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Everything posted by Julian

  1. Julian

    4x Used SAZ-3000D Available

    why are these 625 here but on db-r they're only 555?
  2. Julian

    Lots of 18s

    if you find you're missing between 1-12 woofers dont be surprised it wasnt me looking really great guys!
  3. Julian

    Two Havoc 12's

    Alright, here is my NEW setup that I will be planning. Two Twelve Inch AA Havocs, on a SAZ-3000D. Wired down to 1 ohm, so each sub will be getting 1500 watts rms. What would i need to tune the subs to ( I listen to mostly rap), What cubic feet for the box, and i would like to use tubes instead of a L or slot port. How many amp hours would i need to power the SAZ? I think im going with 120 amp hours, i have a stock 100 amp alt, big three with 0 gauge, and replacing front and throwing a powermaster in front and back. I have a RATHER large trunk, seeing how i have 95 Lumina there is already a 4.5 cubic foot box and its only taking up 1/2 of my trunk area i think i could fit up to a 7 cubic foot box shaped like a T. I Idle around 14.4 then coast down to 13.5 when the car gets warmer. going to move up to 1/0 gauge wire (most likely welding cable or Knukonceptz wire). Anything i left out, or information please let me know Pictures of trunk: I have a lot of room
  4. Julian

    SHURiKEN batteries

    Sounds good, do you know the optimum enclosure size for two 12 inch havocs and what to tune it to?
  5. Julian

    SHURiKEN batteries

    Has anyone messed with the SHURiKEN SK-BT120 batteries? it says it 120 AH and 2600 cranking amps an AGM for 270.00 to good to be true? i know Sonic Electronix is good, seeing how i've dealed with them before. but the battery is what im worried about.
  6. Julian

    SHURiKEN batteries

    I have a Alpine MRP-F300 for the fill How big of an alt should i get? it has a 100 amp in it, where can i buy the dekas from? and how many amp hours should i have for the 3kd?
  7. Julian

    SHURiKEN batteries

    That's not bad.. hmm im going to be throwing tooo much money into this setup 1/0 wire, Sundown 3kd two 12 inch AA Havocs ill probably go with 3 batteries in total replace the front two in back, a new HO alt. thousands haha
  8. Julian

    SHURiKEN batteries

    well that's basically what i meant like in general haha Ah i see. I mean for 120 ah for 270 is pretty nice, it was either this or one of the larger PowerMasters such as the d2400 then replace the front bat.
  9. Julian

    SHURiKEN batteries

    Floating being 13v instead of 14v?
  10. Julian

    Two Havoc 12's

    What cuft for the two twelves would be optimum and what frequency for the port?
  11. Julian

    sub choice...help

    I've heard a lot of good things about the HCCA's they're pretty beastly. you could always go with Ascendant Audio, SSA, or Sundown Audio. They're all really great personal companies. Its odd that you havent gotten anything back from Fi they're usualy very good about getting back to you, Try emailing Nick, [email protected] He'll usually reply in 1-2 days. This like your car?
  12. Julian

    97 Maxima Build Log

    you could always paint them, but if they do tarnish you can just take a piece of sand paper to the place where you want to put a connection
  13. Julian

    fi 18 at dual 1ohm which amps to use

    well, a BLT is a nice sandwich.. but for a BTL, if it is dual 1Ω it would be showing a resistance of 2Ω , so basically something that does 1-2000 watts rms (depending on what options you have it will be more) at 2Ω a sundown, incriminatior audio would be nice. Julian.
  14. Julian

    First System for a NEWB

    Why don't you just go with a set of Q's or two twelve inch Bl's i have a fifteen and its only getting 800-900 watts rms and it absolutely pounds like no other, it only ran me around.. 320 or so? for a fifteen shipped to my door, but also here are some questions. Are you building your box yourself? sealed vs ported do you have the electrical system to support a big stereo are you looking for just musical bass or over the top bass? if you're just looking for some nice bass you could go with a nice ten.
  15. are there any competitions or shows around Kansas City Missouri or liberty Missouri for that matter? would be great.
  16. Julian

    08 bl and 09 bl same box?

    yeah i know thats what i was concerned about i really want to add another 15 but i dont want to have to buy two new subs
  17. Julian

    08 bl and 09 bl same box?

    are there any differences in the 08 and the 09 BL models? i would love to add another 15 but concerned about putting two different subs in the same box, are they any different to the point where you couldnt put them together in the same box?
  18. Julian

    While at the carwash...

    x2 i second that.
  19. im pretty sure it goes down to 1 ohm could your speaker terminals be shorting out? you may have gotten a DOA.
  20. Julian

    Custom 12" Sub

    that is ridiculous i never thought RF would stoop that low. sheesh, show's what i know.
  21. Julian

    SSD louder than l7?

    i second that, when you get into car audio thats what you see lol, try hifonics or crunch theyre pretty good amps
  22. Julian

    SSD louder than l7?

    go to this forums market place thingy or go to sundowns website
  23. Julian

    SSD louder than l7?

    yeah pretty much everyone on this forum would . They're little powerhouses. You could always go with a hifonics, they're nice amps and are usually over-rated but put out about 1xx less power, but i got a 1200 watt amp for 160 i believe 1200 watts rms at 1 ohm which isn't bad.
  24. Julian

    SSD louder than l7?

    good, although i think thats rated at 14.4v (most) cars are like 13.4 while idling, sundowns are nice amps and are rated at 12v instead of 14.4 so you'll be getting some more watts at like 13v. Im pretty sure im right, correct me if im wrong.
  25. Julian

    Gun stolen

    id rather someone steal my system instead of a gun in my car, just knowing the fact that it could be used to harm/take someones life would be something i couldnt live with. i hope everything goes over well and you recover it all.