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Everything posted by Julian

  1. Julian

    Ad space program @ SSA

    Just in case people don't know how large 728x90 is here's an example.
  2. Julian

    Julians build log

    all finished... i hope lol
  3. Julian

    sketchup for a quat havoc 15 enclosure

    I'm in awe. I can design things but nothing as good as this! do you use any template in particular?
  4. Julian

    Enclosure For Re Audio Sx 10

    you can use a jigsaw you just have to be very careful and take it slow. home depot rents tools if you need any.
  5. Julian

    Julians build log

    Oh yeah resin takes FOREVER to set up if it's cold. The body filler not so much it cures quite quickly when exposed to lots of light it'll stiffen up within 2-3 minutes and be hard after 5-6 minutes. The sail panel resin took about 12 hours to cure to the point it was hard. I'll look into carpet and vinyl
  6. Julian

    Does Kicker make good amps?

    Yeah, I like RF but i really don't like JL amps personally. Don't ask me why lol.
  7. Julian

    Julians build log

    It's actually pretty cheap. 7 pounds of body filler= 20 bucks a lot of resin = 35~ and mat is like 6 dollars here.
  8. Julian

    Does Kicker make good amps?

    Like everyone said. great amps. If i were to own any mainstream amp it would have to be Kicker.
  9. Julian

    ******GEO METRO WALL BUILD******

    looks sexy! looks like this geo dash has a lot of space to add modifications
  10. Julian

    Test Tones...

    Of course it's user error... I'm an idiot when it comes to 'puters... lol Thank you though Julian, what tones are offered in this itunes deal? Again I pose the question; what do I need to set my gain and my filters correctly? What tones? Thanks everyone Tones between 21-99hz. also includes sweeps, pink noise, white noise, bass testers in total 102 songs for 9.99. Heres a direct link to it. Tuner Challenge, Volume 1 by Various Artists - Download Tuner Challenge, Volume 1 on iTunes
  11. Julian

    Julians build log

    i was thinking a base coat of flat black then a glossy white or something glossy
  12. Julian

    Julians build log

    Yeah, i wasnt quite sure what to paint it with. if theres a spray paint out there.
  13. Julian

    Julians build log

    I'm not quite sure how i'd wrap these in vinyl never done it before. i may just use some gray automotive carpeting and see what happens.
  14. Julian


    Lol some of these qualify as hoopties but some of them are just stupid excess. Definition:
  15. Julian

    Build log for 1996 Chevy Lumina- The Blue Fury

    I like it. some day i'm going to see your lumina lol.
  16. Julian

    Enclosure For Re Audio Sx 10

    It's going to be quite a small box it shouldn't be too hard. I think home depot will.
  17. Julian

    Julians build log

    There are aprox 3 coats of body filler, all hand sanded. i think they turned out great what do you guys think?
  18. Julian

    Fi BL 18''s HELP Please

    what are your max dimensions? Ported box we recommend using 5-8 cubic feet @ 30-35Hz tuning, you can tune a little higher if you wish but we recommend keeping it close to 32hz for a daily driver. Again the same 12-16 square inches of area applies per cubic foot of volume.
  19. Julian

    Enclosure For Re Audio Sx 10

    If the box is too large it risks unloading. Try building your own box, it's not difficult at all.
  20. Julian

    Julians build log

    Yep, i'll have some in the next day, didn't put any pics of me glassing them but i'll throw up some after i sand all the body filler and make them all smooth!.
  21. Julian

    Subwoofer choice?

    What music do you listen to? what are your limits for money? What kind of electrical upgrades have you done.
  22. Julian

    Happy 31st to Ryan!

    Happy birthday!
  23. Julian

    Nightshade v.2 Teaser Picture

    What's the estimated price on these beasts? and ETA?
  24. Julian

    New guy from far away!

    hello from the midwest!