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Everything posted by Julian

  1. Please close/move this thread. does not belong in this section.
  2. Julian

    how to improve my box

    45's, take that huge ass brace out and put an all thread in. more port area, bigger box.
  3. Julian

    Which Alt

    If you get the accidental coverage for like $60, you can dip the alt in hydrochloric acid if you want to and he will still take it back. Its only a one time deal though. Good luck with whichever alt you purchase though. LOL^
  4. Julian

    USA 2000x self destructed PICS

    Just shows how high of a current you're pushing. crazy
  5. Julian

    Lowest acceptable voltage

    I have a problem with going below 13v
  6. If i could afford them i'd purchase the Kinetik i would. But I wouldn't mind trying the SHURiKEN for the prices.
  7. Julian

    New shirts..Hats..

    Any thing on hats like 59FIFTY hats? would love one.
  8. That makes a lot of sense. I could see that.
  9. From what I've been learning/reading Metra Electronics owns Shuriken. Also they're the owners of other brands such as Tsunami, Axxes, The Install Bay, Omega, Raptor, Ethereal, and Ballistic. Also theres someone on here that has a couple in his vehicle. i can't quite remember who. Another thing is that I've been reading is that these are basically repackaged Kinetiks. So it would be like LG selling TV's to Best Buy and then Best Buy repackaging it to Insignia TV's . (that's the TV i own, LG TV last years model with a similar case and different logo)
  10. Julian

    Which Alt

    I would be weary about purchasing an alt for 250 amps at $268, just my .02. Nothing to be weary about if it doesn't perform as expected I can send it back and get my money back. Also has a 1 year warranty. Mechman told me once installed I couldn't send it back if not satisfied. save up a little more and get a DC power alt. and i agree, 268 dollars is a tad fishy
  11. Julian

    Lowest acceptable voltage

    You probably didn't see he already has an alt and he is wondering installing a second one. It's still not difficult.
  12. Julian

    Lowest acceptable voltage

    why not install it? it's not difficult. it just takes awhile. trust me seeing your voltage at a constant 14v is very nice.
  13. Julian

    Which Alt

    Mechman is known for great alts, have you looked in to DC Power?
  14. Julian

    sonic electronix?

    agreed, great people there.
  15. Julian

    New Head Unit

    I'm a big fan of Kenwood and Alpine. My favorite lines would be The excelon series from Kewnood and for Alpine the IdA-X100-200-303 series, no CD but great great Ipod and USB support.
  16. also check all your grounds and positives, this happened to me when my ground wasn't secure so it came undone slightly and it dropped my voltage like 3v
  17. Julian

    J-Roadtatts Honda Accord Build

    I have the 4 channel version of that amp, i really love it.
  18. Julian

    What's in the works?

    If it dominates all err ain't broke...... I second that. I don't think FI is to big on Hype
  19. I can personally suggest DC Power Engineering, GREAT GREAT alts! good price too. my voltage sits at 14.7-14.8 at idle, even higher when its cold outside
  20. Julian


    good i love my dc alt 260 amps consistent at 14.7v
  21. Julian

    Need help choosing?

    Agreed, the BL's get low and loud
  22. Julian

    What's in the works?

    I would really like to know this too I thought the BTL 18" was going to be the king for a longer time but then the guy from the Hoe brings this new subs and now... Those are from Ascendant Audio not FI
  23. Julian

    Sundown 3kd

    none the less, it does NOT go in this thread. you are LOOKING to BUY something. This does not belong in this thread. PERIOD
  24. Julian

    Sundown 3kd

    Wrong thread. needs to be in the FS/FT section