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Everything posted by Julian

  1. Julian

    4 Fi Audio IB3 18's walled off 15Hz tune in a VAN BUILD LOG

    TITS OR GTFO I mean... PICS OR GTGO! lookin good man.
  2. Julian

    hard drive, flash drive

    I love my alpine ida-x 200 works great.
  3. mods can you ban this guy..... Mods please ban this guy^^^
  4. Julian

    Epic Craigslist Fail

    those Team RF subs are no joke, 4 inch coils quite beastly.
  5. it has a fixed SSF on it so its probably around 35~ hz or higher. don't play the low notes, or turn your gain down, or get another amp with a variable SSF, to produce lower notes at a high volume it takes an extreme amount of power, it takes much more than it would 35+hz.
  6. Julian

    best way to clean a basket for a recone

    drill with brush wheel, sand paper, and a little bit of elbow grease
  7. Julian

    1000# club

    give me some roids! ;D good job dude i need to work out :/
  8. Julian

    Not Enough Power?

    this should help http://www.crutchfield.com/App/Learn/Article/Menu.aspx?g=820&c=3&tp=996
  9. That's very low what is your tuning freq on your box and what is your sub sonic freq filter set at
  10. Julian

    hard drive, flash drive

    Typically microsoft won't format drives over ~ 10 gb so you have to do a command line google how to format Hdd using cmd
  11. Julian

    Power and Speaker wire

    No difference wire is wire.
  12. define "low notes". When playing BELOW tuning frequency there can be an impedance drop. dropping your final load to a lower load making it clip/go into protect.
  13. Julian

    Running .67

    You should never, never, what so ever count on imp rise on a daily system. Music is a whole different ball game when it comes to single tone burps. Playing below tuning can easily drop the impedence down. ( and trust me it's possible with s&c music or music that gets low)
  14. Julian

    SQ_MGB's 2002 Chevy Reg cab build

    You need to hook a fellow Missourian up with some of those blues comps
  15. Julian

    93 Fleetwood Caddy build.

    very nice, i would love to hear the IB3 setup.
  16. Julian

    Where to buy 2/0 AWG Wire?

    he will need 2/0 or larger because he'll be running two 3500's do 2/0 to battery bank then 1/0 to the amplifiers. Basically what I meant, just use 1/0 to the amplifiers but thanks for the elaboration. No problemo Most 1/0 handles around ~300 amps, so two external fuses of 300 amps = 2/0 + whatever other amps you have.
  17. Mods please move to the correct section. Contact DC, my 260 XP alt ran at 14.9v after 45-1hr of running hot. Mine does around 130 amps at idle.
  18. Julian

    Where to buy 2/0 AWG Wire?

    he will need 2/0 or larger because he'll be running two 3500's do 2/0 to battery bank then 1/0 to the amplifiers.
  19. Julian

    best size speaker wire for 1200watts

    i agree 10 is just fine, you don't need 8gauge wire for that power unless it was an extremely long run.
  20. Julian

    SSA random facts.

    Alexa Internet Page Worth Vistors All really cool stuff about our lovely site
  21. Julian

    A pre-fab box for a loaded BTL15

    i'd rather buy a Sony XPLOD than a Pre-fab box.
  22. Julian

    SSA random facts.

    hah i would agree
  23. Julian

    3 FI SSD 18'S VS. 3 AA CHAOS 18'S

    we need more information.. electrical upgrades, vehicle, etc.
  24. Julian

    Port Area

  25. Julian

    3 fi ssd 18's vs. 2 fi bl 18's

    They're very backed up, it may be a little bit due to getting some items through customs.