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Everything posted by Julian

  1. Dual boot Ubuntu, it's a simple installer and can make use even little hardware, i know of people running 51k memory and it runs fantastic, i'd look at it if i were you, use ubuntu for surfing, and windows for whatever windows proprietary software there is (but Ubuntu has a ton of similar programs) Download | Ubuntu Actually, for the most part, ubuntu is quite easy for computer inept people to learn like Mac. its not your typical linux.
  2. Watching a movies/ music videos on a screen that small is PAINFUL! but i love my media receiver, a lot. I will own another one and wont ever regret it.
  3. Julian

    Audio Security

    One thing im glad about on my Mustang is there is no lock in the back of the trunk, so that rules out the crooks ripping out the lock. But like i said "Out of Sight Out of mind".
  4. Run Ubuntu Linux Problem solved.
  5. Julian

    Audio Security

    We had en at school on the box they said star drive kinda like torx but not quite. Like duran said disabling the trunk latch is huge also, some have switches but on my old lumee I had to take the connector off
  6. you have to buy a kit, they're quite expensive.
  7. Julian

    Audio Security

    Typically, the faceplate is more expensive, or at least 50% as expensive as the head unit it's self,
  8. Julian

    Audio Security

    This is the golden rule of owning anything that you won't be in constant view of, "Out of Sight Out of Mind". Meaning, if they can't see it they won't think about stealing it. Also "Star drive" screws or safety screws are a good idea, most crooks don't carry around specialized bits with them just some normal screw drivers. Also don't tell people the prices of things in your car, that will help too, because if they know you spent xxxxxx dollars on it they'll be very tempted. Another thing is when posting on forums, make sure to leave your license plate out of pictures or block it out, people can find you through it. Any thing else i can add?
  9. Julian

    Interesting BS on CACO

    i can view it, i've been a member only a couple months.
  10. Julian

    Interesting BS on CACO

    they dont even deserve my time to go through all their bs
  11. Obviously you know nothing about DC Power Engineering Inc. They are some of the sickest alts out there, they put out a ton of power at idle and are built like tanks. Plus Rob is such a great guy, when my Lumina broke down, he offered to case swap it for my new 2011 mustang for only 20 bucks, Even after it was installed for a week!
  12. Julian

    Emails Behind

    I'll answer those emails and such for a saz-3000
  13. Julian

    Oh YEAH, got my hands on the new Crown Finally!!!!

    You're not of legal age
  14. Julian

    black market audio

    Then he probably does since the products look similar. Wont ever know without asking.
  15. Julian

    black market audio

    Ask Scott, he does a TON of OEM products, SSA, FI, AA, Argent Audio, and i think daber too.
  16. I will be in Chicago the 24-28th for a little trip with my family, I'd love to meet the other SSA Fam! We will be attending Taste of Chicago and other things while we're there.
  17. Julian

    Folded horn subwoofer

  18. Julian

    SSA Tattoo | Update: Video P2!

    Well We'll see when i get the icons in BAHAHA! Wow.
  19. Julian

    Enclosure size question.

    Most people who burp put their woofers in very tiny enclosures with tons of port area to increase mechanical power handling. But for the rest of us not really burping and aren't limited space i would go with the optimal size.
  20. Not really sure how "reputable" power bastards is, They gave me some shady answers when i sent them to the owner, not so evil shady, but off putting shady.
  21. Can't wait to run SSA

  22. Can't wait to run SSA

  23. Can't wait to run SSA

  24. Julian

    Enclosure size question.

    And typically more output for the larger enclosure and for the small enclosure, less volume = more mechanical handling.
  25. Julian

    SSA Tattoo | Update: Video P2!

    If i get SSA Tatted on my leg, wanna send free stuff to me? haha Kidding, although i would do it!