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Everything posted by Julian

  1. Julian

    Best postion for front stage

    Hmmm.. gives us some pictures of your doors, A Pillers, and kick panels, that'll give us some ideas on whered the best place to stage at.
  2. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Julian is now 20 lolz
  3. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    i hate dominating on COD MW2 but my team sucks
  4. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Danny trehose is a beast. you know this is his first time playing a main role in all the movies he's been it?
  5. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Fixed. Fixored. Fixed. Fixed.
  6. Julian

    Case swap/exchange

    Not yet, just a feeler question, but they're customer service is superb to say the LEAST. Trust me there is no regret buying their alt. I'd suggest them heavily
  7. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Fixed. Fixored. Fixed. Fixed.
  8. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

  9. Julian

    So you think you can build a home subwoofer

    That gives a great wood grain texture without actual wood.. oooh.
  10. Julian

    Box Build: 2 RLi 8's

    I like how the corners are tucked, were the ends recessed and another board put on so it would flush mount it all to make it so theres only the square seam?
  11. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Someone is overcompensating I was going to say the same thing.. On another topic, it's going to be my birthday tomorrow, this is so fucking weird. I'll be 20, no longer a teen and it's pretty much dawning on me.
  12. Julian

    HARDKORE power!

    x2 Sundown is looking for brand recognition, and i have no problem with this. It's hard to get your name out only catering to a small group of people, there are only so many diehards out there.
  13. Julian

    Horrible rattling

    I'd foam everything that can be foamed, it's just a good thing to do some Vinyl / Nitrate Foam will work, I suggest http://www.sounddeadenershowdown.com/products/ccf
  14. Alright dude i'll be on in like 5 mins FFA?
  15. It is humanly IMPOSSIBLE to HEAR ANYTHING below 20Hz................. Euhm, no it's not. ( i hope ur'e comment was sarcasm ) If you think you can, your lying. If your "hearing" anything it is mechanical noise of the driver. You cannot hear a sound wave below 20 Hz. You CAN however feel it, tactile sensations are a big part of low frequency reproduction. Most woofers roll off around 20hz Aka they stop reproducing sound, if it's in a ported box you'll hear "schuffing" sounds.
  16. Me and Duran both addopted the [sSA] Clan tag
  17. Mod's please just lock, there is going to be another shit storm all over again.
  18. Julian

    Horrible rattling

    I myself had a lot of success with expanding foam. The cans are about 3-7 dollars a can, the method i used was put a little in wait for it to expand, then put more if it didn't fill it entirely i'd put more in so it wouldn't bend the panels. It'll make the panels very dense and will vibrate a lot without adding a ton of weight.
  19. Julian

    Mark LaFountain's SPL Build *Vid3 p.15*

    I'll Take two please . You know you want me to test them in the stang...
  20. The trend is to go from SPL to SQ, Sean was big into SPL back in the day.
  21. Julian

    Few port questions...

    For Suvs and hatchback style cars sub up port back is really a rule of thumb.
  22. Julian

    weird sound? HALP!

    check the coils with a DMM. you could have ordered or been sent the wrong woofer so you could be wiring below your amplifier's rated resistance.
  23. Julian

    ShiZZZoN's Build Log

    what a horrid pun... is this a 6th order?
  24. Julian

    Alienware M15x

    I think he sepnt like 3,000 on it it was obsolete within 6 months, slew of problems. you can do much better with other companies. Do you HAVE to have a laptop? You could build a killer desktop for less than probably 1,000.
  25. Julian

    weird sound? HALP!

    yep you sure can, just email [email protected] What coil config do you have?