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Everything posted by Julian

  1. Julian

    Julian's 2011 Mustang

    If you'd told me they were a gift I would have wrapped them Not really Hah! Should of Is there a way i can order a roller from you? Same address I sent the tiles? I believe so. Should be House number is 531
  2. Julian

    Julian's 2011 Mustang

    If you'd told me they were a gift I would have wrapped them Not really Hah! Should of Is there a way i can order a roller from you?
  3. Julian

    Julian's 2011 Mustang

    Hey you never know.. Contemplating doing an MO to UT to AZ trip lol.
  4. Julian

    Julian's 2011 Mustang

    LOL Hopefully Duran will be coming down to help build my wall.
  5. Contact Skar on here he'll know.
  6. Julian

    Julian's 2011 Mustang

    She's a V6 but still plenty fast for me and fun to drive it was either 10k for audio or 10k for a bigger engine.. audio always wins
  7. Julian

    Julian's 2011 Mustang

    Indeed they are the B'Stock CLD tiles I still need to either order a roller or find one at a local store. And thanks.. it's gonna be a slow build as i get done with all this court bullshit fines, blah blah.
  8. Julian

    What amp for my 18" Fi SSD?...

    I'll be up there on the 20th for a DEP meeting, if you need any help with anything message me on here.
  9. Tracking Number:1Z436F940399187382 Status: In Transit - On Time Scheduled Delivery Date:09/16/2010 Thanks mark this number is different then the one you gave me lol
  10. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    never knew i had to.. my tires should be new..since it's a new car... could e wrong though
  11. Julian

    sub choice

    Red part is just because the people don't build the correct box for it. Xcon buyers are most of the time more aware how to build the correct box or/and the manufacturer's specs are closer to a good enclosure. I would say it has more to do with the actual recommended box and tuning from the manufacture more than user error, those Audioque subs are made to have a higher Fs and stiffer suspension. Jacob did a little write up on them as well. I have heard to many times that those subs dont sound right or appealing to most so I doubt its user error. It is more user preference if those subs will sound how you want them too. I have heard a pair and didnt like them and they were in the correct enclosure but to each its own. OP if your only concern is loud then i would go Audioque but a budge and goals will help us answer your question better as to which sub is for you. Are you interested in other brands as well or just stuck on these subs? 2.5x stiffer than a nightshade v.2 suspension
  12. Julian

    Just Me Or Does This MOVE !!

    eDuh I'd rather buy subwoofers from a meth dealer who kills babies and grills live kittens and puppies
  13. Julian

    What amp for my 18" Fi SSD?...

    where are you located in KC Jd377 if you need any help i'm located up in liberty.
  14. Julian

    X max

    Just realized i put 30" I meant 30 mm
  15. Julian

    X max

    I think it would be safe to assume 30" Xmax
  16. Julian

    bike makeover

    I'd wet sand, then repaint for a nice shine.
  17. Julian

    bike makeover

    did you wetsand the paint?
  18. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

  19. Julian

    Small VS. Big Aero Ports

    different woofers require more or less port area, if i remember correct port area and xmax corolate with eachother.
  20. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I'm actually on an iPad at the apple store Lol
  21. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Well at least we know you weren't rolling a round in feces, just poison ivy! I don't think I've ever had poison ivy, ran through some Stinging nettle once, that was just as about as painful as rubbing fiberglass on your legs.
  22. Julian

    Jacob = Sick

    Hey! I'll work for free for some amps
  23. Julian

    Jacob = Sick

    I read it as Jacob = Sick as in.. awesome, cool, rad, tight, etc haha Get better Jacob!
  24. Julian

    Small VS. Big Aero Ports

    More port area, What woofer are you using?