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Everything posted by Julian

  1. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Haha Yeah...
  2. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Sort of like sugar free pop or decaffeinated coffee. If it doesn't work for you in its natural state, just don't. It would be like smoking Meth Free Meth.. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense, all the Alcohol free beers/wine/ etc all taste like rotten asshole because its usually shitty beer.
  3. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I do not understand alcohol free wine/beer/etc
  4. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Well, our PT stuff has changed A LOT... Im more excited for tech school than anything.
  5. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Got any questions man? What MOS did you pick? J Aerospace Mechanic (tech)/Crew Chief. Not currently.. I've been doing a ton of reading.. i do my out processing the 24th of this month I'm pretty pumped to say the least.. I'm currently sick right now.. hopefully i don't go to basic sick. Thanks anyways man
  6. Julian

    Crazy stupid electrical rigging

    Yeah, same basic method as fishing wire through a wall; we do it all the time, with actual fishing line. Works great I would of just used a hanger...
  7. Julian

    Crazy stupid electrical rigging

    Wiring method.. lol
  8. Julian

    Crazy stupid electrical rigging

    I would hope this isn't permanent
  9. Julian

    Crazy stupid electrical rigging

    this guy has some talent.. but wtf? http://uk-mkivs.net/forums/t/287271.aspx?PageIndex=1
  10. Julian

    Spam topics / posts

    Just wish i could delete topics.. Hint hint MARK/AARON!
  11. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

  12. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Whats your schooling back ground Adrian?
  13. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    LOL! Looks like Car ahduhio classifieds is down.
  14. Julian

    Spam topics / posts

  15. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Alright Adrian... awhile back you were talking about how Stetsom amps are "10 second amps" what did you mean by that? are they just not stout enough... etc? I couldn't find your response and totally forgot about it. I hope you won't miss this one Board traces / construction, mosfets versus rated power, torroidal transformers...among others. I Understood... 40% of that... lol Alright.. from what i understand the board traces are weak or lacking? The mosfets aren't beefy enough or not enough of them to produce the rated power? More like 75% understood
  16. or you can go to the next size up.. say you wanted 4 gauge CCA i would go with 1/0 CCA.
  17. http://www.cableyard.com/EP-Welding-Cable-10-AWG_p_21.html
  18. OFC... another scam... as long as you get 100% copper your fine... sigh... /thread
  19. Julian

    Jeremy's (JmanJr) Temporary build log.=

    Yeah man! gained 1.10 dB just by adjusting the HU stuff. big gain.
  20. welding cable is PLENTY flexible for car audio...people don't realize this you're not (for the most cases) even running the wire where extreme flexibility is a necessarily key component. Flexibility is an overplayed marketing scheme to dupe people into buying overpriced bullshit and to line companies pockets with more money. This is 2/0 and is PLENTY flexible for ANYTHING i am going to throw at it.
  21. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Alright Adrian... awhile back you were talking about how Stetsom amps are "10 second amps" what did you mean by that? are they just not stout enough... etc? I couldn't find your response and totally forgot about it.
  22. Hmm... Maybe the power wire is being pinched and grounding once you push it back in? I'd go over everything you did very slowly and carefully inspect for cuts/etc.
  23. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    The hop.. isn't doin' much hopin' 16 days till BASIC TRAINING!
  24. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Was Sailor Jerry's birthday yesterday I drank a bottle for him last night. Great Mind's Drink Alike! We sure do. I am enjoying teh Crown Royal tonight. My favorite.. .BY FAR by my tastes it's really nice straight on some ices.. or with sprite and some citrus.. Coke is a wee bit sweet for my tastes though
  25. Welding cable is where it's at.... 99% of the time i don't need to tie my 1/0 into knots.. now that i think about it... never...