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Everything posted by Julian

  1. Julian

    1998 Chevrolet Silverado Z71

    Try moving 8 D3100s In and out of a car 4-5 times in a row, no fun
  2. Math > ME http://www.amazon.com/Adjustable-Clamp-9180-45-Degree-Angle/dp/B00006JSPW Google = Friend
  3. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Who would that be? I may just know him or his family. His name is Chris Nagel, He's evidently like 3rd or 4th in the state for wrestling, also wrestles at LHU.
  4. I wouldn't exactly say that... The for the price, they do what they need to do, maybe they don't put out the best wattage at 12v.. but the difference between 1,000 watts and 1,300 watts is humanly impossible to tell the difference since you theoretically need to double the power to gain a noticeable gain (3dB's). I ran an older bxi1200d at .5 ohms for an extremely long time, never got hot, never burned up.
  5. http://www.harborfreight.com/corner-clamp-with-quick-release-38661.html
  6. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    J aren't you deployed? In the AF we can't be considered deployable with that kinda stuff happening.
  7. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    OH NEAL! I've recently become good friends with a guy here at tech school who is from lock haven Pa!
  8. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    exactly lol. both are Chinese made lol I've bought so much Chinese "Oem" stuff, always got what i paid for haha. On another subject.. it just started POURING here in Wichita Falls Tx, I SWEAR we have our own weather... its crazy, hot as shit, cold as fuck, raining, dry. so tired
  9. I can't recall i think it's johnecon
  10. Hat comps are pretty great I believe one of the owners floats around on here
  11. Julian

    ZCON Prototype

    No.. They are OEMd by Fi
  12. If the power gain isn't substantial (theoretically double the power) you won't hear a difference.. The RF is a great amp for that price.
  13. Julian

    ZCON Prototype

    HAHAHA YOUR pucking KIDDING ME RIGHT!!!!!?????? ohwell props to yu guys, yourthe only forum really doing it out there. especially making money off peoples asses let me know where you can find woofers who easily handle 2.5k+ get low and are and are AMERICAN MADE not "American assembled" for the same or similar price shipped. If you can PLEASE let me know I would LOVE to see prices like that.
  14. Julian

    Car shipping

    2a531g crew chief on kc135s
  15. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    My leg Is more fucked up than orignally thought evidently I tore some ligaments in my knee.. Awesome No idea what so ever how I did it lol.
  16. Julian


    Ive only seen them used in HT systems or fairly small car systems.. That seems like one huge tube for 5+ ft^3
  17. Julian

    Daily Driver Lumina

    Reminds me of my old lumina <333333333
  18. Julian

    Make your own ring terminals

    I ordered about 300 brass 1/0 terminals online for about 30 bucks not too long
  19. Julian

    "Monster" v.2 Prototype Due Soon

    Brass or copper shortening ring? I thinks I see brass?
  20. Julian

    Another 12" Subwoofer Vs Thread

    i wouldnt touch a T3 sub.
  21. Julian

    Make your own ring terminals

    Ive done something similar.. mine didn't look so pretty though ^.^
  22. Aw shit mang you just answered your question. The heatsink gets "very toasty" cuz it's a HEATSINK! It's pulling heat away from the amps internals. It's doing what it's supposed to. If the middle of the amp (where the more sensitive parts are) is really hot then that's a problem but if that part's cool then you should be good. And Duran is right. Say your H/U puts out 2 volts which your amp turns into 40 at 3/4 gain. If you get a new H/U that makes 4 volts and your amp turns that into...40...at 1/2 gain, then the amp is still making the same power and you didn't do anything. Having the gain up high is NOT BAD, if that's where you need it to be. Having it TOO HIGH is bad. This gain rule is funny to me...almost like people saying "don't ever push your car past XXXXrpm cuz that will mess it up." Only true if you don't know what the hell you're doing. I have that same amp and it never gets hot. This is also in the 100+ degree Arizona heat, but I have proper electrical upgrades. What he said, what's "proper electrical upgrades?" And by never gets hot, you mean even the heatsink isn't hot? I find that a lil hard to believe. Also, he said his amp has a 150 amp fuse, while yours is a new "constant power" series and shouldn't have a fuse on it? (Not tryin to be all lawyer-type but I'm sorta thinking he has an older power series amp, unless I either read what he posted wrong or they hide the fuses on those new power amps.) with low voltage my saz1500d was very hot. After installing a dc power alt, my saz1500d was cool to the touch. Not hard to believe. What's low voltage? Below 12 volts? Below 11volts? I ran a 1500d between 12-14.5 volts, and mine always ran "warm" after any real long length of time(10 mins or more of hard playing). I don't see how going from 12 volts to 14volts is going to change the temptature. If anything, I would think it would get hotter because its putting out more power? Nope When voltage drops more amps have to be pulled to produce the same amount of power at the same volume. lets just say you're producing 1500 watts at optimal levels.. at 14 volts you would only need 107A to produce the 1500 watts, but to produce the same 1500 watts at 12v you would need 125A.. You create more heat by pulling more amperage.
  23. amps get hot when you drive the for awhile... as long as it doesnt go into thermal protection you should be good.. heat sinks do what they're supposed to do.. dissipate heat from the components. If your electrical is indeed enough i would suggest a 12v crossflow fan, hook it up to a relay so when the amp turns on the fan turns on, maybe one or two would be perfect. something like this would be a cheap fix Cross flow fan
  24. Julian

    help voltage drop

    Honestly little to nothing.