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Everything posted by Julian

  1. Julian

    Radar Detectors????

    Where I'm from and from past experiences if you have a radar detector on your dash and you get pulled over the cops are typically more likely to give you a ticket just due to the fact of having one. They can also ticket you for "obstruction of view" etc. Just drive the speed limit.
  2. Julian

    Window Tint In NC

    well first off your glass has to EXTREMELY EXTREMELY clean
  3. Julian

    Window Tint In NC

    (most) shops will do a good job, from my experience shops that do tint exclusively tend to do the best job because that's all they do and they typically do not only cars but other tint jobs, however that's just from personal experience. Make sure they do not cut the tint directly on the glass, because the razor blades can and will scratch the shit out of your glass i had that happen to me personally guy said it was probably a defect from the assembly line. Prices are typically very competitive, in my area for my mustang it was all around 150-160 bucks.
  4. Julian

    screw to mount woofer,

    so 1.5" 1 inch screws should be enough.
  5. Julian

    screw to mount woofer,

    depends on how thick your baffle is..
  6. Julian

    Runs of 0 gauge on 3500d

    pure copper 1/0 should be able to do 350+ amps of current.. so that's well within the limits of the 3500.
  7. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    so close to coming home
  8. Julian

    screw to mount woofer,

    normal drywall screws work for most applications, if you want to get fancy you can use bolts and T-Nuts.
  9. Julian

    Runs of 0 gauge on 3500d

    As long as it's pure copper, wire is wire. The only thing that changes is flexibility and the jacket.
  10. Julian

    Brochure Thread...

  11. Julian

    What sub works BEST in small enclosures?

    I can suggest sundown subs as their normal required box sizes are typically smaller than other normal woofers.
  12. Julian

    Happy Birthday TRP!

    Just wanting to wish TRP (Justin) a happy birthday!
  13. Julian

    BL hits lows but not so much highs

    Define "highs" it's a subwoofer.. And what's your box tuned to, how much port area do you have and how large is your box.
  14. Julian

    Got kicked out of smd :,(

    Lol wow really?
  15. Julian

    Do Sundown Amps take up alot of power?

    All the sundowns work great at 1 ohm, I wouldn't worry unless you're going below 1 ohm.
  16. Julian

    Active Xover/ Speaker advice

    Wouldn't an excellent processor like the Ms-8 make active a bit easier?
  17. Julian

    Do Sundown Amps take up alot of power?

    The Saz-1500D will be around 86% efficient at 4 ohms, the lower you drop it the less efficient it becomes.
  18. Julian

    Do Sundown Amps take up alot of power?

    The general response you'll get is it takes power to make power, however some amplifiers are more efficient than others.
  19. Julian

    Hello from Kansas City

    Where at in KC Mo? welcome btw!
  20. Julian

    saz 3000d power supply questions

    Frame = best ground
  21. Julian

    saz 3000d power supply questions

    Yeah that can happen if your car is left to set for awhile but shouldn't be a worry if it's a daily driver, you could also throw on a large relay to prevent draining such as that.
  22. Julian

    ALphasonic/ US Acoustics question

    I wouldn't worry then lol looks like a pretty amp!
  23. Julian

    ALphasonic/ US Acoustics question

    35Ax12.9v= 450Watts If it were to drop below 12.9v it may pop, but I'm not sure how efficient the amp which would play into some factors
  24. Julian

    ALphasonic/ US Acoustics question

    35Ax12.9v= 450Watts If it were to drop below 12.9v it may pop, but I'm not sure how efficient the amp which would play into some factors
  25. Julian


    How about the 24th or 25th?