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Everything posted by Julian

  1. Unlikely lol.. Usually when people notice again it's their settings that have changed or the position of the box when they re wired the amp up, etc. I ran my Bxi1208d on .5 ohms for like a year and it never went poof, they are the cheap amps of the market they aren't designed with extreme usage to include low voltage or low impedance. Any amp will last you forever as long as you treat it right, no you don't have to baby it.. you just gotta know monitor your voltage is a big huge gigantic one. Granted MAXXsonics has lost huge quality in the past few years, but i'm seeing a comeback with the new line of HiFonics amplifiers. Either way, your options are endless with amplifiers as i said in a previous post. With EMPHASIS on this -^ it is INHUMANLY possible to notice anything under a 3 dB gain.
  2. Julian

    Feeler : big aeroports - urgent question

    Adrian ya think you could PM a projected price for 4 flares 8" ones?
  3. Julian

    Julian's 2011 Mustang

    Your guess is mine, could have fell out of the fuse block. But im not entirely sure, i just heard a big ass THUMP then no more 2/0
  4. Julian

    dd vs. dc vs.fi vs. treo

    Not even the level 5s retail for that much.
  5. Julian

    Feeler : big aeroports - urgent question

    Im interested in some 8 inchers, or a I'll buy a mold
  6. Julian

    Julian's 2011 Mustang

    Back on topic, I got some pics of the carnage, went to Harbor Freight and got my favorite tool by far.. and it only cost me 3 bucks. a good bit is shredded.. ^--- favorite tool... and no not my penis Left it for some Hobo to find, I know I'm a good person
  7. Thats because they are fairly new to the scene, the haven't been In the marekt for long At all.
  8. Julian

    Damplifier Pro Confusion

    Foil color doesn't matter, just make sure the aluminum is on the outside with the butyl sticking to the sheet metal of your car
  9. Julian

    Seeking some AMP advice

    This part here doesn't make sense to me, REGARDLESS of strapping vs not strapping with two smaller amplifiers are you not dropping each amplifier down to one ohm each?
  10. too bad i'm leaving tx then. sad.
  11. Julian

    Julian's 2011 Mustang

    Agreed it is a 205$ ticket anyways
  12. Julian

    Julian's 2011 Mustang

    Off topic, but found out I have 90 days to pay it off, will be about 300 bucks to get it off my record.
  13. Julian

    Julian's 2011 Mustang

    yeah, the thing is i leave in 5 days and i have no time what-so-ever to go to court seeing how i go to class from 6-530 pm everyday for the military lol. ill see what i can do.
  14. Julian

    Julian's 2011 Mustang

    but build is on a hold, AGAIN. got a ticket going down from WIchita falls tx to Abilene tx, so gotta take care of that bullshit.
  15. Julian

    Julian's 2011 Mustang

    Granted i got the 2/0 for free when i bought my batteries, I'll probably take the 2/0 run out and use that for amps, batteries, etc. Probably will end up running it through the firewall (which isn't hard because there is a handy hole about 1.5" wide cut through the firewall for me
  16. Julian

    Julian's 2011 Mustang

    Yes I'm PRETTY set on 6 Fi X 10's since they fit my box size requirements perfectly. But no pics of carnage, lazyness over took me. Long story short, the 2/0 fell out of the fuse block near the battery... and you can guess what happened. Shredding 2/0 isn't as hard as it sounds only lost about ~5-6 ft.
  17. Julian

    Ideas on vehicle repair because of bass

    Yeah like previously stated before it's a common issue with explorers.
  18. All-thread is about some of the best bracing, easy to find, easy to use, fairly cheap, and takes up min. Space.
  19. Julian

    so i got my bl in but it sounds messed up...

    Alright man hit me up with a pm on here and ill see what i can do for ya.
  20. Julian

    so i got my bl in but it sounds messed up...

    hmm, if you have time sometime this week if you could make it up, even tomorrow i could help ya out.
  21. Julian

    so i got my bl in but it sounds messed up...

    Ah alright, push evenly and with a downward force on the cone, listen for any scraping or rubbing.
  22. Julian

    so i got my bl in but it sounds messed up...

    Oh, are you measuring each terminal or both combined?
  23. Julian

    so i got my bl in but it sounds messed up...

    Looks like i was correct seems like you're dropping down to .5 ohms, wire to 2 ohms and i bet you'll notice the difference . shit happens man.
  24. Julian

    HCCA box finally done!!!

    HCCA's are great woofers, port looks about right, maybe on the smaller side, but in someway there is always a sacrifice for port/box size issues.