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Everything posted by Julian

  1. Julian

    Speaker Baffles

    I'm following but Im not, any solid surface with a hole in it for a speaker could be considered a baffle..
  2. Awesome scores on the lows, im always so much more impressed when the tuning is low and the numbers are high
  3. Julian

    Thoughts on Tempo 6

    My bravox are *sorta* in stock locations, still firing in the same direction (I just cut a hole in the plastic to facilitate a home for the Mids. The tweeters are off axis and are super loud it's almost scary. The tweeters are not harsh what-so-ever however they're quite bright. Im kinda scared to hear how on axis would sound with the tweeters seeing how they're so bright. I can highly suggest then for your price range. The 6.5" mid is extremely authorative, with 11 mm of xmax they produce such great midbass and on top of that it's loud (I even said I'm reluctant to put subs in).
  4. Julian

    Thoughts on Tempo 6

    I can suggest bravox for your price range, if you can Get ahold of the carbon fiber 6.5s they sound Great and get plenty loud on power. Just my opinion however!
  5. where can i get one of these? and whats one of these run? edit: i think the battery in my car is new but im not sure, and ill get it checked thanks for the suggestion ohjay http://www.remybattery.com/Products/Deka-Intimidator-Battery-Group-31__9A31.aspx
  6. Julian

    '07 Silverado - Murder Murder Murder

    Looks good so far mang.
  7. It'll hurt your amplifier a lot, the Sundown's can take some abuse, but nothing like that for an extended period of time. A larger battery will help, i'd get the largest one you can get. I'd suggest a on a budget such as a Deka Intimidator.
  8. I'd stop trusting your "buddy" no offence but he seems to not know what he's talking about. Keep it dialed down until you can afford the big 3 at the LEAST larger wiring will help too so will a battery even more so.
  9. Alright, Well from what i've read it's most likely your electrical. Electrical in most cases is always the weakest link, monitoring your voltage at full tilt will tell you that your electrical is the weakest point. Also a big question i forgot to ask was have you done the big 3?
  10. how many amps is the alternator? larger wire and a bigger starting battery or even a secondary battery will help you immensely. Monitor your voltage with a DMM and see how low your voltage is dropping. Also check the voltage at your alternator, at your front battery, and then finally at your amplifier and report back the voltages with your car running.
  11. You need more battery or a larger alternator. And Im pretty sure the saz-1500s require 1/0 not two gauge.
  12. Julian

    "Monster" v.2 Prototype Due Soon

    holy crap
  13. where in MO are you from? well with the given dimensions you get 6.29912 Ft^3 with .75" wood.
  14. Julian

    So Fi BTl or Sundown SA 8s?

  15. Julian

    Julian's 2011 Mustang

    Today i bought some cheap RCA right angles for the system.. will show use later
  16. Julian

    Will the xcons work in IB?

    Yes why not port the two you have? Eficiency = win
  17. Julian

    Kevin S

    Kevin's a cool guy, i know him personally... ALSO i know the amps worked prior to him getting them BECAUSE they were trades from a good personal friend and I played with them even prior to Kevin getting a hold of them.
  18. Julian

    Wiring xs power cell and capacitor?

    get rid of the cap, if you really want.. i mean really want to utilize it wire it as you would normally, plus to plus, negative to negative
  19. Julian

    Whine in front speakers

    What's your headunit? You can also try grounding your RCAs that'll usually kill it too if the headunit is the cause.
  20. Julian

    SA-8 v.1 Newest Production Pics

    Very nice, Ti-esque basket, verry pretty.
  21. Julian

    which ones would u prefer?

    All are quality woofers, pick one and you can't go wrong.
  22. Julian

    Is My Fi Q Broken????

    what are your box specs?