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Everything posted by Julian

  1. I'd look into a used/new set of Bravox CF60's the mids are very warm ad the tweets are fairly bright and can be toned down with a switch on the x-over.
  2. Julian

    Labor Day sale! Save up to 20%!

    Wow, so you expect someone to buy 600$ worth of product just for a 20% discount.
  3. Julian

    99 Blazer-Sundown build

    i didnt seal the vent. i flared it out more. Not the port, this vent.
  4. Julian

    99 Blazer-Sundown build

    i wouldn't of sealed that vent, but that's just me. looks good though.
  5. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I'm now an Android Convert!
  6. Julian

    Julian's 2011 Mustang

    I wear steel toe boots 5-7 days a week, it's nice not to wear them!
  7. When buying a refurb, I don't think they give specifics, but a call to them could explain all. They are very helpfull. This was the responce about my repair: "It had the standard problems, loose output inductor broke legs on a transistor next to it, voltage regulator filter caps had bad solder joints and 15V+ voltage regulator was bad because of it. All fixed up and everything siliconed in place now, way better than it was new." Wow, almost sounds like the build quality was poor to begin with. Your 3kwp is exactly the same as the sundown saz3000D, exact same board, different headsink and case. I know Sefugi's amp wasn't a saz3000d, but I'm sure the parts are similar from one to another. (as why would sundown use cheap parts in one amp and better parts in another? Wouldn't make sense) Just some food for thought. one easy answer, people are fucking stupid another is Shipping companies are brutal.
  8. it would also be from db-r btw with 1 year warranty only downfall says its a 6-7 day wait before ship wtf?? i think the sundown puts out more wattage ? this was sent to me straight from crescendo BC2000d 2250@[email protected] 1100@2ohm 700@4ohm the clamp results state the bc put down 1676 at 12.8v 1.67ohm calculated according to jacobs clamp tests the 1500 put down 1970 at 12.8v with calculated 1.23ohm They're both exceeding the tests... 1
  9. His wife. Gaps in the frequency reproduction
  10. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Leave those in a locker at the flight line or or in the car and carry into work daily. Wear them with your coveralls for working on the planes. When you need to go other 'cleaner places' change back into your nice boots. J Eh it's a nice "badge" lol. Servicing centering cylinders is a very messy job. basically run hydro fluid through it till no air bubbles, reset the gauge to 105 degrees and then pour more fluid out... lol Both of em ended up being bad on the main landing gear they were dripping fluid at like 1 drop per second. (left/right), sadly we didn't get to replace them. we just LSD'd it (Let swings do it) lol.
  11. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I HATE HYDRO FLUID! Ruined my boots
  12. Julian

    Bulid status?

    Build time is very fluid, the more orders they have the longer it'll take. Remember these aren't some off the shelf woofers the are Hand made. Not assembled In america MADE IN AMERICA.
  13. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Word! CR black is awesome
  14. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Americans want cheap replaceable products.
  15. There's a common issue with those smoking, I can't recall however.
  16. Most events are a joke any ways. What I love is when someone can have a basic stereo and they have no competition, and they become state champs and think there amazing. Not everywhere, but certainly see it here and there heh. In particular in Missouri Hey now... That's not the case, one person does not define the rest! Im not like that!
  17. Julian

    Looking for a new setup. Ideas?

    But you know how things on forums are BLOWN out of proportion.
  18. Julian

    Look familiar?

    Skins are skins. IPBF provides, other re model.
  19. Julian

    Why just one power and ground input?

    If you think about it when the run from amp to battery bank isn't going to be 20 feet long its going to be much, much, much shorter.. the shorter your wire is the more current can be passed through because resistance is greatly reduced.
  20. Julian

    SSA's Daily fitness iHop

    1 mile sprint 3 sets of 40 pushups (wide, normal, and diamond) 3 sets of 40 situps (bicycle, normal,) 1 set of 20 flutter kicks.
  21. Julian

    Brand New 2011 SSD Making Funny Noise

    what happened with me i shipped mine back i paid for it, then they shipped it back to me for free.
  22. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Last time I used it no.