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Everything posted by Julian

  1. Julian

    Julian's 2011 Mustang

    Thanks Found out Home Depot cut ONE top wrong so now one side is all fucked.. but i'll fix that tomrrow.
  2. Julian

    Julian's 2011 Mustang

    half way done, base shop closes early but got a lot done!
  3. Julian

    Julian's 2011 Mustang

  4. Julian

    HEY GUYS! :)

  5. Julian

    solo x 10's or mtx 9500 15's???

  6. Julian

    Sundown Skar or Incriminator?

    "Kevin"Subtillis 1800woofers Hand Built Enclosures Skar has an official forum here and a forum on another car audio forum. This can't be the same dude... "You get what you paid for" Especially enclosures. he offered cheap enclosures, you get them.
  7. Julian

    Sundown Skar or Incriminator?

    Personally, I despise the company, whether or not the driver is decent, I'm not one to tell. Even if you were to say "would my ssa icon, xcon, fi bl, etc be louder then my buddies blah blah blah in his car", no one knows, sure people can guess or assume something will be better or louder then another, but I'd rather not guess. SA = VVX I've heard them and Today i've purchased 6 of them.. I know kevin personally, he's a cool dude looking to help people out.
  8. Julian

    4th order for a Warden/ Will it work?

    Better question, why do you think the 4th order bandpass is for you..?
  9. Julian

    2011 Mazda 3 build

    20 all around is good. I'd do 20 up front and darker in the back like 4-10%
  10. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I prefer it when they fuck What do you do exactly Sean? Fuck Russians. hahah. My girlfriend isn't russian.. she does speak it though But really also whats your educational background?
  11. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I prefer it when they fuck What do you do exactly Sean?
  12. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    My girlfriend is a languageslut She knows Russian, Chinese, German, and some other shit. It amazes me lol. She's studying Foreign Relations too.
  13. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I'll be 21 in less than 7 days!
  14. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    never seen that before!
  15. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Hahah "Lots of unrelenting meat from every angle"
  16. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Got back from Fogo De Chao and it was.. MAGNIFICENT
  17. Julian

    Fi X?

    Customization is Fi's motto.
  18. Julian

    Black and blue sale and amp question

    New Mb Quart isn't great. Just one Dcon? Will you ever add another? Do you want headroom? The sale begins very soon I believe. What makes you make that statement? The MBQuart amps have been proven for the price to be performers.
  19. Julian

    Fi X?

    If you want something as small as a sticker email nick and see if he can do something for you. If not pick something different..more expensive for a sticker.\ :suicide-santa:
  20. Always could try a hard reset, unplug for 30 seconds then reconnect the power.
  21. Julian

    Fi X?

    Exactly, It's all a cost thing.. It's cheaper to print than do a sticker, why do you think the 10 starts at 109.00 dollars?
  22. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I hate walmart on holidays
  23. Julian


    good understanding guy transaction went smooth