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Everything posted by Julian

  1. Julian

    1,000w build

  2. Julian

    1,000w build

  3. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    averaging round 60 fps on crysis 2 and about the same for BF3 beta.
  4. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    vents out the back. No burnt nuts here.
  5. this is what you should do. 1. Grab a DMM 2. Measure your voltage at your alt 3. measure voltage at front batter 4. measure at your rear battery (if you have one) 5. Measure at the amplifier it's self. could be a slightly burnt fuse, bad ground, etc.
  6. Julian

    10" ssd sealed enclosure size

    I'd keep it where it is, the smaller the box the less efficient it will be. if you can manage .6 ft^3 you'd be perfect.
  7. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I bought a high performance laptop. Not a fan of desktops at all. 8 GB of DDR3 2.0GHz (with Turbo Boost up to 2.9GHz) i7 NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560M w/ 2GB
  8. Julian

    10" ssd sealed enclosure size

    Sounds perfect, if you're using .75 MDF you will end up with 0.55 ft^3, but ensure you account for driver displacement. The shape of the enclosure will not make an audible difference.
  9. Julian

    Dust Cap got hot today

    Birthsheet = retarded They are unrealistic.
  10. Julian

    Dust Cap got hot today

    They will get warm.
  11. Julian

    '80 Corvette Install

    That headunit is great, Too bad he bought it new because I'll be getting rid of mine soon!
  12. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    super cool,
  13. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Is that what you ended up with or just found those? Another option is just powder coating the stock ones black. Finally found something that doesn't have a shit ton of chrome.
  14. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

  15. Julian

    Front stage options/Ideas

    How many of those non-isolated incidents were "proper" installs. Not disagreeing that the build quality isn't there, but there is a saying... As for what to do? 3 way passive systems blow goats IMO, unless you are diligent about mounting all the drivers really closely together. Putting one in the door is just not a good idea. 2 way systems there are a ton of options dependent on budget and processing and what you'd like. Keeping up is so subjective its hard to tell, it shouldn't be but most people don't care if their midbass rolls off. When I read keeping up its rather simple. If your sub/s are crossed at 50Hz (3dB down) then your midbass from your fronts should be able to output in such a way that at 50Hz they sum to 0dB like the rest of the system. Another way of saying this is that you'd have the same output at 40Hz as you do at 80Hz. Of course, with the amount of sub/s you are running that is pretty much impossible in particular if you are limited to a single driver. Since you have 8 subs you get to compromise. Your compromise will be in midbass. Considering such perhaps a horn and a near pro audio mid is your best choice. Interesting, I woudln't mind compromising. I know aboslutly nothing about horns, I know of Imaige Dynamics and that's about it. Could you perhaps suggest something, or a combo? I don't mind researching but I'd like a good starting point. Processing would be handled via a Sundown Audio 100.4's onboard x-overs. I like the idea of a horn and pa setup, that was my first thought.
  16. Julian

    Front stage options/Ideas

    Im not blaming it as a manufacturing error, I was simply stating that this is not an isolated incident. This isn't the first time I've had problems with the build quality, last it was the x-overs were poorly soldered.
  17. Julian

    Front stage options/Ideas

    Plastic with MDF backer, there is no option of attaching it to the sheet metal as the mustang came stock with a non standard mounting method for the stock 6x8's It is a known problem, Bassahaullic knows a few people that it happened to in the same situation. If the installation / system setting is the problem, but not if Bravox had a bad production run of surrounds or of the sort. Not saying that is the case, but it may. ^------- It was crossed over at 65^ with a sub stage.
  18. Julian

    Front stage options/Ideas

    Pricing is a little too high for my blood currently. the Carbon fiber 6.5's
  19. Julian

    Front stage options/Ideas

    Pictures of current set up show that's what I currently have. Kickpanels are an option, but I would rather not lose the space for my feet, as you can probably assume, there's not a whole lot in the mustang.
  20. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I CAN'T FUCKING SLEEP God damn I hate it.
  21. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Shitty.. Literally.
  22. Julian

    Random YouTubes

  23. Deadened very well with SDS - However they are not sealed, as I have not yet gotten around to it.
  24. Julian

    Please Be Aware People

    The anthrax vaccine is actually a very wanted vaccine.. We in the military can get it, people will actually buy our blood for testing, a few grand actually.