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Everything posted by Julian

  1. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    waiting in the airport for my flight t 6 :|
  2. Julian

    "Breaking In" of Subs.

    Most woofers will pretty much keep the stiffness over their lifetime. Woofers are not cars in most cases you can run them to their full potential when you get them. There will be some changes in the woofer's T/S parameters but will be fairly negligible.
  3. Julian

    ADIRE AUDIO website & trademark

    It's been up for sale for a long time
  4. IIRC not much, but the mechanical handling will rise.
  5. Julian

    Julian's 2011 Mustang

    yeah high 60's here low 30's with high wind = teh suck appreciate it man.
  6. Julian

    Julian's 2011 Mustang

    currently where i'm stationed I don't have a heated garage.. so really no good lol
  7. Julian

    Julian's 2011 Mustang

    I hate waiting UGH :| send me my woofer mark! It is worth the wait! I need to get this shit done before it's winter!
  8. Julian

    crx box help

    I wouldn't exactly say that. I've seen successful single 15 setups using large external aeros. but typically multiples work well. for multiples two subs loading off the top of the hatch and 2 loading off the back of the hatch with external aeros works awesomely.
  9. Julian

    crx box help

    Depending on what you're trying to do it will depend, typically sub up port back is best. But it all depends.
  10. Julian

    Julian's 2011 Mustang

    I hate waiting UGH :| send me my woofer mark!
  11. Julian

    enclosure bracing

    Personally all thread would be the best and the reduction in internal volume wouldn't change.
  12. Julian

    Where can I get fiberglass "kitty hair"

    You can buy it at home depot.. YOure talking about the loose knit stuff?
  13. I thought up MOBASS but, we liked flexx more
  14. Julian

    Need my SA8's to beat a pair of 10's

    KC MO are you actually in KC or the surrounding area? We could model and make you an efficient enclosure. Very tempting offer. I'm actually from Lawrence, but kcmo is just easier. lol I do want to build this thing myself though. Since this kid designed and built his, I'm not about to give any ammo the other direction, ya know? And I'm plenty old and experienced enough to do it, just need some recommendations on box style and how to spec it out. Thanks for the reply I'm From KC but currently stationed in Wichita Ks, if you need any help let me know. We're currently forming a team See sig.
  15. Julian

    Need my SA8's to beat a pair of 10's

    KC MO are you actually in KC or the surrounding area? We could model and make you an efficient enclosure.
  16. I will talk to 14k about getting a get together when we get our stuff in. Maybe a BBQ
  17. Julian


    What acft?
  18. Julian

    '80 Vette Tunes

    Nice HU.. Wonder where you got it!
  19. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Sadly I cant get to sleep.