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Everything posted by Julian

  1. Julian

    Senseless audio ramblings.........

    I forgot to mention that regardless if the amp is under/overrated you will not hear the difference.
  2. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I actually do not fully recall, could you help me out with he convo? Lol
  3. Julian


    As with anything there are trade offs. With pa speakers mid bass is sacrificed greatly.
  4. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    About 52 here but windy as shit like 30-35 mph out on the flight line
  5. Julian

    Senseless audio ramblings.........

    I thought it was. http://www.bcae1.com/2ltlpwr.htm
  6. Julian

    Senseless audio ramblings.........

    Clipping doesn't blow subs, overpowering does. That's basically what we're saying.. inherent clipping does not kill subs! Overpowering.
  7. Julian

    Julian's 2011 Mustang

    i check that shit errday
  8. Julian

    Senseless audio ramblings.........

    Ouch That's an extremely complicated answer, that I feel I'm not fully qualified to answer it. Audible distortion at sub bass frequencies are out of the range of human hearing up to a certain % (I cannot fully remember the exact percent). SO regardless if you can hear it you are still and probably always going to send clipping to your speakers. So saying all CLIPPING causes death of speakers is like saying all car accidents are fatalities. RMS is a small portion of how much a speaker can handle you can factor in mechanical and thermal and watch how much you can put into a sub-woofer without it burning up.
  9. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Google monitors more than you would ever think! lol Directed ads, buying habits, listening habits, errors in the software your phone runs on, cellular service, etc explains a lot how google uses your info.. http://www.google.com/privacy/faq.html I've heard about Google doing that before and understand why. I guess I just don't get why a company would be interested in what I'm texting people. Aside from marketing reasons. I guess it could be fairly useful in that regard. That's the big deal that video ^ was about, we don't know what they're doing with it, we never agreed to it, and they're doing it without us knowing.
  10. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Did he just power slide a 777? Actually I believe they are able to rotate the landing gear a few degrees, because the aircraft is so large the wind knocks it off course during landing if there is a sidewind. Nope the landing gear pretty much orientated forward. He indeed did powerslide it lol.
  11. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Google monitors more than you would ever think! lol Directed ads, buying habits, listening habits, errors in the software your phone runs on, cellular service, etc explains a lot how google uses your info.. http://www.google.com/privacy/faq.html
  12. Julian

    Senseless audio ramblings.........

    Half truth. Clipping dramatically increases the average power which blows stuff. It's like saying texting while driving kills people. That sentence in itself is dumb as a mofo. What, is your cell phone gonna explode in your face? No Car crashes kill people BUT texting causes the driver to be distracted which causes car crashes...you see where I'm going with this. A leads to B, B leads to C,therefore A leads to C. Sure there is a point in there that isn't absolute. Not all texting drivers have wrecks, and not all clipping amps blw subwoofers...but it's still no bueno. If whoever you're talking to doesn't understand that "Clipping increases the power blah blah" then they see "Clipping won't blow it, clipping blows nothing" then they think "well my amp is clipping but clipping doesn't blow anything so it's just fine" and them poof, bye bye sub. Not saying that you're wrong, cuz you aren't, but you say that a lot without explaining anything...which defeats the purpose of saying it. Dramatically...not really. Please read: http://www.forceaudio.com/featured-articles/the-clipping-effect-test/ I've read it before, and maybe dramatically was the wrong word to use but when you have an amplifier that is capable of 1200 watts and two subwoofers that can safely handle 600wrms, how much extra power do you need to kill them? Realistically? RMS is a very simplistic way to determine the amount of power that you can send to a woofer. There are SO many factors that go into it, I burped my BL on over 5k a few times, no deaths, no nothing.
  13. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I have to buy bananas and protein Chocolate milk is a pretty good after work out drink. Lots of fats, proteins, carbs etc.
  14. Julian

    Senseless audio ramblings.........

    Did that few thousand a pallet include the boat ride over here? Or the rent for your headquaters, cost of business operations, taxes, etc... I work in fast food, we sell tacos that cost about 20 cents to make for 1.29 plus tax. But all that markup goes somewere. PS. Fvck RD. I'm not defending them in any way. There's all kinds of reasons that stuff costs what it costs, most of it to keep the business...in business. Nobody's getting rich off of Amps lol I could disagree on that statement. However that was indeed a shipped price from Korea to the US, I don't know the entirety of everything... but you get what I'm saying.
  15. Julian

    Senseless audio ramblings.........

    Half truth. Clipping dramatically increases the average power which blows stuff. It's like saying texting while driving kills people. That sentence in itself is dumb as a mofo. What, is your cell phone gonna explode in your face? No Car crashes kill people BUT texting causes the driver to be distracted which causes car crashes...you see where I'm going with this. A leads to B, B leads to C,therefore A leads to C. Sure there is a point in there that isn't absolute. Not all texting drivers have wrecks, and not all clipping amps blw subwoofers...but it's still no bueno. If whoever you're talking to doesn't understand that "Clipping increases the power blah blah" then they see "Clipping won't blow it, clipping blows nothing" then they think "well my amp is clipping but clipping doesn't blow anything so it's just fine" and them poof, bye bye sub. Not saying that you're wrong, cuz you aren't, but you say that a lot without explaining anything...which defeats the purpose of saying it. You aren't quite getting what Duran was saying, You could clip the shit out of a 100w signal (average sine vs square wave is about 1.5x) on a 300w woofer and you would be well within the limits. CLIPPING doesn't kill it over power kills it.
  16. Julian

    Senseless audio ramblings.........

    If most people knew the Dist. pricing on outsourced products they would be shocked. I know from personal information when RD was big the owner was paying a few thousand dollars for a PALLET of the D9 amps and was selling them at exuberant prices. People associate price with wattage.. maybe ~10-15 years ago that was absolutely true but now a days amplifiers from Korea, China, Japan, Etc make it so cheap to own any form of car audio. Same goes for some other companies who I'd rather not specify.. And this doesn't leave out battery suppliers, etc.
  17. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    More or less invasion of privacy.
  18. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    "They" can still monitor you.. it's extremely easy to intercept and hack wireless signals.
  19. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    What a bunch of motherfuckers Anything like that in the iphone? Most likely. If you don't like being monitored, a smart phone isn't a good thing to have. Any phone at that matter..
  20. Thanks.From what I hear,the Alpine does a little over rated.I also like the small footprint. You just answered your own useless thread..
  21. Julian

    Julian's 2011 Mustang

    says it's shipped but tracking says nothing of the sort.
  22. Julian

    Huge C&D and Powertech 130++ a/h Batts For Sale

    How many on a pallet is average? And shipping to 64068
  23. Julian

    Recone of an old Destijl Sub

    Sometimes with fi the tracking doesn't show up tI'll the day it got there. That happened to me
  24. Julian

    JL Audio W6

    I don't like their 1w/1$ methodology when it comes to Amps. They make awesome subs but IMO there are some better price point alternatives. Their design of the subs are awesome but meh.