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Everything posted by Julian

  1. Chinese made products have a higher threshold for error so.. basically the tolerances are much higher.
  2. Julian

    crx box

    is this a pure SPL box?
  3. is audioAQ a cheaper brand??? hell i wouldnt give up my AQ3500.1 for nothing!!!!! lol unless it was a sundown or something of that sort Pretty sure it's Chinese made and not korean made.. so yes quality is lower. but I havent been keeping up with them.
  4. Purely out of curiosity, I know this will depend on tuning but how large is the bandpass? I know usually you would tune fairly high what would be the usable frequency and most efficient?
  5. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I would always break into my Jenk ass car, would pry the door jam open a bit and stick a coat hanger in it.
  6. Julian

    Second look

    Designing my box for my ZCON 18 this is what I came up with, does this look right to you guys?
  7. Julian

    Second look

    Yeah I noticed that I did that on accident!
  8. Julian

    Second look

    ends up around 7.5 feet, bracing with allthread will drop the displacement down a bit.
  9. No problem, typically that's the problem
  10. my dick is still bigger than yours..
  11. Julian

    Second Skin vs Sound Deadener Showdown

    Great cs, bought a pack and forgot to get a roller, don sent me a free roller!
  12. Julian

    Second look

    Big ole box 160 in^2 of port tuned to 35
  13. Julian

    Second look

    YOU don't have snow and Ice and no Garage! lol
  14. Julian

    Second look

    One for winter build, two for spring build lol.
  15. Julian

    Box for ssd15 full option

    give me your dimensions and I'll work something up for you.
  16. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    SUB WLL BE HERE IN 4 DAYS TOP! I got my wisdom teeth out some years ago, I didn't swell at all and was in little to no pain most of my teeth were impacted too.
  17. Julian

    Second look

    "Violent" comes to mind going on my 3500 at 1 ohm...
  18. Julian

    Second look

    Going to start it this weekend, If I wake up early enough I may pick up some wood today and start the build Saturday.
  19. Julian

    Second look

    160 in^2 of port
  20. WOW shitty man, give dB-R a ring and they can help you out if Jacob can't send you loose parts, "looks" like a simple fix, could be something more though
  21. Julian

    Julian's 2011 Mustang

    FINAALLY after 27 days I got my sub on it's way!
  22. Do this: Grab a DMM Check voltage at Alt Check at Front battery Check at Rear run BEFORE and AFTER the fuse Check the run to the rear battery bank BEFORE and AFTER any fuses Check at Rear battery bank if applicable Check at Amplifier Before and after any fuses Report back
  23. Julian

    Box for ssd15 full option

    3.5 would be fine do you plan on bracing?