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Everything posted by Julian

  1. Julian

    volt meter

    I just bought it, most voltmeters you will need to calibrate anyways.
  2. Julian

    Julian's Picture(s) a day thread

    Man I've been slacking... Cleaned up everything and made it look nice.
  3. Julian

    volt meter

    Just picked this up for 4$ http://www.ebay.com/itm/220941849225?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649
  4. Julian

    How would I get an audio job?!

    Some places require you get you MECP certification.
  5. Julian

    Well that was fast!!

    I waited a little under a month ad it was WELL worth the wait. You have to know that they are BUSINESS days.. that does not include holidays or weekends.
  6. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I consider people who I have consistent conversations outside of the forum friends.
  7. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I missed this part
  8. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I have a feeling its something with fighters since it's a major fighter base.. or something iwth the c-130's
  9. Wait... so a bandpass...?
  10. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

  11. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    What are you doing at Eglin? In my country favorite hobby is rape o.o
  12. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    What are you doing at Eglin?
  13. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    What AFB?
  14. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I once added fresh cooked bacon and maple syrup over Bluebell vanilla ice cream. It was the absolute best. I could see that.. but honestly I'm not a HUGE fan of bacon.. I don't know why it's become so "popular" these days. Funny thing is I couldn't see that and I can pretty much drink bacon juice. What is bacon juice you ask? its the non-fat pc way of saying the liquid fat from the yummy smoked pig stomach flesh rendered at a low enough heat to liquefy it without burning. I usually leave the bacon grease over from when I cook bacon, pour it in water so it solidifies into a tasty pork puck and use it to flavor other stuff. I just pour that shit in my purse before I go hiking with the eagle scouts.
  15. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I once added fresh cooked bacon and maple syrup over Bluebell vanilla ice cream. It was the absolute best. I could see that.. but honestly I'm not a HUGE fan of bacon.. I don't know why it's become so "popular" these days. Funny thing is I couldn't see that and I can pretty much drink bacon juice. What is bacon juice you ask? its the non-fat pc way of saying the liquid fat from the yummy smoked pig stomach flesh rendered at a low enough heat to liquefy it without burning. I usually leave the bacon grease over from when I cook bacon, pour it in water so it solidifies into a tasty pork puck and use it to flavor other stuff.
  16. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I once added fresh cooked bacon and maple syrup over Bluebell vanilla ice cream. It was the absolute best. I could see that.. but honestly I'm not a HUGE fan of bacon.. I don't know why it's become so "popular" these days.
  17. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I just beat The Darkness II.. Disappointed how short it was.. Still a good game..
  18. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Touché Gelatin also too probably
  19. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Grocery store near me.. It's the Black Forest kind too.
  20. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    THREE POUNDS Im done with gummy worms forever.
  21. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I just bought 3 lbs of gummy worms.. best 6$ ever spent
  22. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Good point Sean. Most of my experience is in writing, correcting and submitting evaluations, recommendations for awards, processing financial documents, and various other military related paperwork. Delegation, supervision, and suggestions as to how to accomplish a mission are all withing my daily duties scope. Degree as of now is in Business Management. I have considered psychology as well. If I got a 'no-name' paid for diploma I would go for Business administration, management, or psychology. As for the job I would apply for...............that is the hundred million dollar question lately. J And the 100million dollar question will determine the answer to the question you asked me. Honestly, looking for something along the lines of management, supervisory, sales, etc. My passions seem to lie in car audio, beer, travel, good food (possibly mediocre food for your tastes IMO) helping people with addictions, and advisory positions. I know at 27, with no degree pretty much anything besides car audio install and sales will be one hell of an uphill battle. J If you want to hire into a management or supervisory role you'll need experience. No degree in the world can prepare you for that. As for sales, if its technical sometimes a degree is helpful but usually its more of a crux than an assistant. Sales training on the other hand goes a really long ways. REALLY. Too bad there are so many shitty sales trainers. Supervisory and management I have experience with the Army. As for sales, I have done some for my father's side of the family business (restaurant equipment) and done decently. I am a firm believer in experience being the best training. You can sit in class, and listen to people, and talk about it all day. It is not until you have done it that you know how good you are at it. J Exactly why IMO schools should be chosen that offer a discussion class format and not a lecture. Plus, who the fuck wants to have a grad student teaching you. Give me an effin' prof if I'm spending that much fucking douhg. I like your opinion here Sean............I still have well over a year to plan, but its never to early to start job hunting. J At my GF's college, Kent State she's pretty much taught by grad students... lol
  23. Julian

    New Mustang VIdeo!

    Thats what I kept wondering. Yeah at first I freaked out and thought I killed my amp.. but noticed it was the IPod lol.