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Everything posted by Julian

  1. Julian

    Coil Knuckles

    awesome that's what I'd like to hear lol.
  2. Julian

    Coil Knuckles

    What would the deflate rate be? Is it fairly quick or what?
  3. Julian

    Is this you Aaron?

    beast mode
  4. Julian

    Coil Knuckles

    Very interesting.. Would I just use something like a tire pump to raise/lower them?
  5. Julian

    Coil Knuckles

    Correct, I've always heard them been called Knuckles
  6. Julian

    a Broke Ninja's Celica build

    thats nutty
  7. Julian

    Completed Walled, sexy brutal loudness mustang!

    Even better when I break it
  8. Julian

    Completed Walled, sexy brutal loudness mustang!

    I just did about an hour ago, had to drive 3 hours both ways so I waited to wash her until I got back
  9. Julian

    Team SSAudio 2011 Mustang

    My buddy Bo Cariaga nice i might have to come up and hear it sometime !! Do it man! We should have some shows coming up soon.. if your ride isn't up and running you should let me borrow 2-3 D3100's so I can run 10k for a show ya i can do that for you bro... just let me know when the shows are so i can come IIRC there maybe one this month and forsure one next month
  10. Julian

    Team SSAudio 2011 Mustang

    My buddy Bo Cariaga nice i might have to come up and hear it sometime !! Do it man! We should have some shows coming up soon.. if your ride isn't up and running you should let me borrow 2-3 D3100's so I can run 10k for a show
  11. Julian

    Team SSAudio 2011 Mustang

    My buddy Bo Cariaga
  12. Julian

    Team SSAudio 2011 Mustang

    Few changes were made to the sub, new spider pack + flat wound.
  13. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Russia? Why is Russia so crazy? lol
  14. Julian

    big power update!

    Me either... Damn 8 cube box!.. downned the size = more mech handling. haha, for sure man. Well tell that Zcon to hurry its ass up and get to your house! :PRONTO: They got there the night I made the video... new video up soon .
  15. Julian

    big power update!

    Me either... Damn 8 cube box!.. downned the size = more mech handling.
  16. Julian

    SSA's Evil SS Camaro. 4 Evil 15s and 2 DC 7.5ks

    you have 2 18s? thats sb4 my friend.my 2 18s were still louder. and my 15s are still brand new too. Giving you shit man Huh, coulda sworn it was SB3. here ya go bud. this will help explain.http://usacimidwest....-Beat-Rules.pdf Das gay... Thank man, I dunno if I'll be running USACi or MWSPL.
  17. Julian

    big power update!

    2500 is plenty... 5k each is fun...
  18. Julian

    SSA's Evil SS Camaro. 4 Evil 15s and 2 DC 7.5ks

    you have 2 18s? thats sb4 my friend.my 2 18s were still louder. and my 15s are still brand new too. Giving you shit man Huh, coulda sworn it was SB3.
  19. Julian

    SSA's Evil SS Camaro. 4 Evil 15s and 2 DC 7.5ks

    You need to get louder I'm catching up.. Did a 154.3 15 mins after the subs were taken out of the box.. Looking good as always man. Are you gonna be in SB4? I'm in SB3.
  20. and by bottom end I mean a 150.1 at 30hz 15 minutes after I installed the subs. I went on to do a 154.3 on music peaking around 55hz (which is understandable seeing how the drivers are SO stiff). Now Senchez, as I recommend for anyone with too large of an enclosure I would start adding larger and large 45's till the scratching stopped. I too had the EXACT same problem with a 8 Ft^3 box. I simply added larger 45's till it stopped.
  21. I'm tuned to 38 with 5.x per 18 and I have bottom end.... even when the drivers are still stiff...