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Everything posted by Julian

  1. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Lol weeeak! My friends truck burped a 160 with 3 bad subs at 35 hz THAT is nuts. It crushes low too, one of the songs i heard (idk title) had skull cracking upper bass then a quick low note that almost made me puke lol I never understood the fascination in 'listening' at those levels... Personally I've sat in cars that could bass race 145 all sealed up and it's way too much to call it listening. He does 160's sealed 100% which is crazy
  2. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    So get my 4 12's. You have the space for that!! J Im contemplating 8 Icon 10's.. I dunno yet. for the classes I run I need the most heat dispertion as possible.
  3. Julian

    Sundown or zcon's.

    Jacob switched buildhouses some time ago Even for the amplifiers?...hmmm I do not like that.
  4. Julian

    Sundown or zcon's.

    And Korea
  5. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Meh, I want to go to 4 15's but don't have the space
  6. Julian

    Julians stang. 2 18 zcons walled on 5k.

    Oh yeah and the dude that beat me in KAOS had 4 18's on 16k he was only like 1 db louder than me too.
  7. Julian

    Team SSAudio 2011 Mustang

    Yeah KAOS is a 3 min average.. pretty intense. Im not sure If I'll run anything but MWSPL have yet to decide.
  8. Julian

    Julians stang. 2 18 zcons walled on 5k.

    Thanks! Can wait for tims system to be done!
  9. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Do you know what the advertise speed your paying for is? Small ISP, or big company? If it's a small isp perhaps there doing maintenance shit. Do you have another computer you can try at your house? Or they could be throttling you... depending who your ISP is.
  10. I have just purchased a TL Willing to help out but would like somewhere around 10$ a session 3-4 hours max. I'm just looking to break even, which will take forever but I feel like 10 bucks for a few hours is well worth it. I live in Wichita, KS but travel home every so often to Kansas City, MO. Shoot me a message and we can work some things out.
  11. Julian

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Lol weeeak! My friends truck burped a 160 with 3 bad subs at 35 hz THAT is nuts.
  12. Julian

    Double hairtrick!

  13. Julian

    Team SSAudio 2011 Mustang

    bought it got a GREAT price on it!
  14. Julian

    Team SSAudio 2011 Mustang

    Yep, I'll be getting some recones in the near future so I can run 10k.
  15. Julian

    Team SSAudio 2011 Mustang

    sadly the 5k's didn't like 1/2 ohm loads But this weekend I won 2 second place and 1 3rd... Every time I was beat by someone with 10 times as much power or cone area. I compete MWSPL advance 3 which is a burp class, got a second place medal there, I did two KAOS runs and got a second and 3rd trophy. Kaos is 3 mins full tilt average score.. I averaged a 149.9 for 3 mins straight, I burped a 152.3 at 37hz... Its a WIP but so far Im quite satisfied. Everyone at the show LOVED my car.. was petty cool 16k (tim) will attest how loud it is!
  16. Julian

    Team SSAudio 2011 Mustang

    I think it is the fun of doing audio that keeps you wanting to play or maybe that is my reason? That too. and the blood sweat and tears that goes into doing this hobby + lots of money lol
  17. Julian

    Team SSAudio 2011 Mustang

    That's a good question... its a wall so its a constant work in progress lol
  18. Julian

    Team SSAudio 2011 Mustang

    I need to pick up 2 more barrel connectors so I an wire down to .5 ohms and 1 more terminal so I can wire up my last ground to battery. Home Depot FTW!
  19. They are on sale! I got TWO OF THEM for 215 each! They are just as strong as d3100's and the same battery as the Odyssey 2150's which retail for 350+!
  20. Julian

    Sears Platinum (Odyssey 2150 Rebagg)

    if you know anyone military they give a discount too!
  21. Julian

    Sears Platinum (Odyssey 2150 Rebagg)

    They are the exact same battery as the Odyssey 2150 which are some of the strongest batteries out there.
  22. Julian

    Sears Platinum (Odyssey 2150 Rebagg)

    I picked them up from my local sears store they were listed online but no longer I would just go check to make sure! they are the group 31's.
  23. Julian

