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Everything posted by psycho72

  1. psycho72

    help me out please

    If you want to be loud outside why would you get sound deadener....am I missing something.....wtf......is there like a new science to sound...........
  2. psycho72

    help me out please

    Get an ice cream truck and add a couple of woofers, you'll be heard for blocks and everyone will love you
  3. psycho72

    Which wood should I use?

    your building an enclosure for your busa??? Actually is there any wood that is better than mdf, like oak or whatever?
  4. psycho72

    New Install pics Rl-p's.......

    Nice but if a rework of the install is the plan then I vote for a Ranger theme. At least a nice Ranger banner
  5. psycho72

    sad, sad news

    Recone? Naaaaaaahhh. Your missing the point. You see he's just maintaining marital bliss...."damn honey the woofage took a dump and SS is out of stock so I'm gonna have to get a RLS/New XXX/Warden & a 10,000 watt amp."
  6. psycho72

    best place to buy H/O alts.....

    Wow a month and a half later and no response, he must suck....well he is on Egay so.....
  7. psycho72

    13W7 vs 2RL-p 12's

    My guess at the problem is prefab
  8. psycho72

    Integra Help

    I need to drill some holes in my doors to run some fat ass wire through. I did a visual earlier but I can't tell if I can I remove the fenders without removing the front. Can I?
  9. psycho72

    Integra Help

    Do I need to take off the wheel well plastic cover thingys? How about the tires, do I need to go that far to make it easy or don't bother or turn the wheels so that the front or rear is showing? BTW thanks.
  10. psycho72

    Where's the wire at?

    Sorry aint worth chit, you have to drive around town for a month with this http://moblog.co.uk/blogs/1163/moblog_e5253fb2d2c0a.jpg on your car
  11. psycho72

    Going for 2 12s

    Thanks for that one....now I have sprite and boogers all over my keyboard and my head feels like I almost drowned......
  12. psycho72


    Looks like an eltro magnetic. A friend of mine built some of those. Sounded great when they were pointed directly at you....oh yeah and they were about 3 feet by 8 feet....
  13. psycho72

    Projected RL-s Demo-Ring Time Slots

    updates please
  14. psycho72

    Computer Radio

    Thanks bro.....I like it bro....and they even have stuff thats not so mainstream.
  15. psycho72

    What mono amps do you have?

    Your site lists the Minilith and it states that it is the smallest suggesting that there are larger mono amps available. What are the larger amps, what are the specs and what are the prices? Thanks Jerry
  16. psycho72

    IB in a hatch

    Naw, I'm gravy...I'd rather have a half a trunk and a ton of bass then a emptyl trunk and only a little bass...
  17. psycho72

    IB in a hatch

    I want to do IB in my 1995 Acrua Integra hatchback. I am aware that I need to seal off the front wave from the rear wave but how much so? If you have seen the rear hatch area do you have any ideas how I can acomplish this. I was gonna remove the faux rear deck and put up a wood deck to mount the woofers and then seal off the seat area. But there is the issue of plastic paneling...do I need to remove it all? and then there is the issue of where the deck will touch the hatch. I cannot seal it together because I need to be able to access my trunk. Any ideas?
  18. psycho72

    IB in a hatch

    No dice I have a kid, I need the rear seats....I think I am just gonna stay with the single 12 and a half a trunk....I just wanted to see if it would be possible. The eights in the rear locations seem kind of intriguing but would a pair of 8's sealed equal a 12" ported?
  19. psycho72

    Thank you Mike!!!

    I have had fantasies of RL-i 8's in the doors....stupid $#%$#@ fantasies that never see the light of day...........
  20. psycho72

    IB in a hatch

    I want dual 12's without losing my trunk. I have already lost half my trunk with a single 12 so I was looking at some options and was hoping this was one. I thought maybe for IB "completey sealed off" actually meant "kinda". #@#$@ it....oh well....$#@%
  21. psycho72

    help finding a tool..

    X2....but man....see.....that title......if only you were a guy.....you just left yourself wide open for lots of crude comments....must....fight....the.....temptation.....
  22. psycho72

    WTF....Need Help

    so what was the final prognosis & outcome
  23. I was going through the site and happened upon these Vaccum Tube Hybrid amps that USAmps sells and got curious. I have been thinking about a tube amp, only because I have heard how warm they are (whatever the hell that means). And I have been looking for a different sound so I have been considering a tube amp. First off has anyone heard one of these first hand? What do you think? To any of you harware gurus, what do you see as the pluses and minuses on this concept? As far a tubes themselves go, what are the pluses and minuses? Can they hack the automotive environment, especially one that has alot of bass? What do they do to the electrical system? I am looking at the AXTU-4360. What do you guys think? And if tubes are so nice, why does'nt everyone run them?