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Everything posted by psycho72

  1. psycho72

    TV Buffs Help

  2. psycho72

    Anyone care to guess?

    $700 assumimg all 20's or approx 35 bills of various denoms. What do I win?
  3. psycho72

    Specs: RL-s12 & RL-s15 LMT

    Okay, this thread has been done for a while now but I am getting curious about this voice coil. Why is it a 4Ohm? And how do this ohmage things work when creating a voice coil. If I recall the orginal was going for 2 ohms then 3 and finished on 4 so that says to me that it is more luck of the draw than science. Why is that? Is it the coil maker being used? The LMT technology? Quality of components?
  4. psycho72

    SS-S Demo Ring

    Sounds like too much trouble and a bit of a risk if say for example a little wonder in your life (I am pretty sure you have a kid right?) does something bad to the amp. I really hope someone can give the woofer a workout. Damn single 4 ohm vc, why? Why I ask you? WHY????? THE INHUMANITY!!!!!!!!
  5. psycho72

    SS-S Demo Ring

    So who has the juice? So far it seems as though no one will have an amp that can juice 2000w at 4ohms in the ring....anyone????
  6. psycho72

    My new babies!

    Which speaker wire did you get as there are a few omni's and where did you get it for $1.50 a foot and for what guage?
  7. psycho72

    Install in the teggy so far

    I like the old school alpine.
  8. psycho72

    Colossus internals

    Wow the insides of that amp look really really nice. Looks beefy!
  9. Good idea, I'll get some heatshrink.
  10. The advantage for me is that it opens up other fuse block options that were previously too small. It will also make connecting the wire to my amps easier too since old Hifonics has these stupid square wire connections. So if there is no affect then hell yes I want to use them....oh yeah and thanks for the quick reply....my buy finger in itchy....
  11. psycho72

    RC's Amp Challenge

    Economically it can't be true. If it were one of the big guys would already be making a line that covered the no processing crowd. But if it does turn out to be true then let me know so I can create an amp with an isolated, regulated and seperate psu (that will come in several sizes and power every amp in your system-modular bro modular), no eq, no crossover, no sub control, nada and come out of the gate claiming "Home Audio for the Automobile".
  12. How would you guys improve DLing speeds?
  13. psycho72

    Guess what i got....

  14. psycho72

    My new babies!

    Is that only speaker wire or also an RCA? And how could we do the test? For instance take my car, I have an old alpine head, a pair of premium MB quarts that are not in the best positions, an audiocontrol epicenter, a hifonics series VIII callisto crossover, a hifonics series VIII vulcan and boltar and SS 12" RL-p. Would this system be sufficiently nice to hear a difference? Would this difference be specific to a certain type of music or quality of recording? Also for this to be done right I would really need to replace all wire, including the short run from the passive crossovers to the tweet and mid so some wire chopping would have to happen. Then there is both sides, you can't really compare you system with only one side working. So we would all need to agree on set lengths that everyone could use, you would have to be willing to chop the wire. And of course we need some more audiophile types (because I am a base....err I mean basshead). Anyone, anyone?
  15. psycho72

    My new babies!

    Man that made things worse, seems contradictory to me. Maybe you guys can start a demo ring with long enough cables that they would work in a few guys systems. I wish I had a system that was so good I could hear what the cable has to offer.
  16. psycho72

    Guess what i got....

    BTW what soundstreams are those that look so monsterous???
  17. psycho72

    RL-s early review

    Perfect....thanks....your subjective opinion is all I was looking for. If my current setup becomes "not enough" bass then I am gonna add a second RL-p as opposed to the new monster. I'll save the monster for when I get a real car (like my 67 firechicken with a LM9 stuck in it)
  18. psycho72

    Anyone seen Steve (Chevy350TPI) lately?

    damn big business assho's, 70 days on strike...that blows, all the med stuff too but being out of work for almost 3 months has got to be killer. Hope you and your wallet recover.
  19. psycho72

    RL-s early review

    Would you comment on how it compares and does not compare to a RL-p.
  20. psycho72

    RL-s early review

    anymore news?
  21. psycho72

    12" RLP on the way...

    whats you custom 3 way setup consist of and what are your locations?
  22. psycho72

    My new babies!

    Both speaker and RCA's. Absolutly less than $200 wires. Well if they are all the same then what are some good examples of which ones to buy or they are all the same that I could get some cheap wires from home depot and they would be the same as brand x so long as we are talking less than $200?
  23. psycho72

    My new babies!

    20 posts and no one has even scratched the surface of my question. I do see how wire can affect sound becase we are not talking about sound we are talking about electrical impulses. So if you build a better highway for the signal to pass through then you can improve sound especially over a long run. BUT, I don't care about some obscure ultra fidelity $20K or even $200 wire what I want to know are what are the features that are within the realm of a sain persons wallet that will get part of the way to the $$$$ wire but substantially better than the walmart wire? X amount of stands? Sheilded? Some mytickal uber coppper? Magic fairy dust? What????
  24. TIFFANY!!!! Wooo man, the things she can do!!!!!!!...........oh opps I mean Alpine, everything else is too fugly
  25. psycho72

    My new babies!

    I want to know what makes one wire better than another. Not to argue but I want to learn. There is no way I can afford $180 wire so I want to see if I can find something comparable with the same feature set and a lower price. And I know I can read the site but these companies put out so much smoke and mirrors that I don't know what really makes a diff and what does not. And then does it matter only in certain music types. I mean I love Jimmy but can it really get clearer or is this a mozart only type of thing? Is the difference like going from tape to CD?