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Everything posted by psycho72

  1. psycho72

    My Latest Project PICS!

    Take a pic of your living room or whatever room it is going in and then a more educated answer can be given. As far as the box goes...very nice work. Please try some other drivers, maybe even fool with the sealed portions dims by sticking a block or two in there if you can, please. Anyways, great job and I am looking forward to your in depth review, should you choose to do one.
  2. psycho72

    Quick question

    I think Mike said that they were going to be back in effect shortly
  3. psycho72

    Building Crossovers

    I am looking for a good place to go to learn about building crossovers. Not only how but what components to look for, theory on how different setups affect sound, anythng and everythng.
  4. psycho72

    Building Crossovers

    Your the man
  5. psycho72

    WTF....Need Help

    Hey, I forgot I also had another problem recently and it was caused by the housing on my inline fuse near the battery breaking at the threads, I caused the power connection to be flakey as well. Just a thought to be sure and check the simple crap first....
  6. psycho72

    WTF....Need Help

    I would'nt count on it being gone. My freakin car has been giving me all sorts of electrichell problems. And now that I have taken my whole system out the freaking windows slow down if I raise them both at the same time where as they were working just fine with the system installed. Not to mention the recent problem of having to jiggle the ignition to so the stereo would power on at startup.......freakin electric-HELL crap!!! Anyways good luck and please keep us posted I want to see how and where the problem was coming from....
  7. psycho72

    Wire Ring has started

    Whats the word squeakerz???
  8. psycho72

    New SQ car???

    New cars suck....if possible I would say get a classic that you love....new cars are cool today and sad tomorrow while olds cars remain timeless. Off your list, I would go with current year (in order of preference) lexo, toyo, niss, hon. They are all quality cars.
  9. psycho72

    satellite radio and you

    Sounds like too much for one device....something is going to suffer....size, performance, cosmetics, price....then you are gonna have to fight off the big dogs so your going to need some serious stuff to combat them...such as a superior user interface, on par cosmetics, competative battery life & superior sonic performance all at an equal or lower price point. Then who is your market?....probably the younger crowd. What is their disposable income? I think you may be better off focusing on the hardware and leaving the service to xm or serius and the choice of which by means of a replaceable chip/sim card. Maybe add a hdd or media card slot for mp3's. Just my 2 pesos....but no matter what you do....best of luck in your endeavor....I hope you make a billion....
  10. psycho72

    Whats THe Best Dampening Sound Suppressor???

    So does this mean you are getting your own personal install into effect or is this just from prior experience?
  11. psycho72

    Whats THe Best Dampening Sound Suppressor???

    Any group buys or site member discounts. I know you go to alot of sites so I thought I'd ask....sucks being poor...especially when you want a couple a hundred square feet of the stuff....
  12. psycho72

    Front stage.

    You mean people actually put speakers in the back, I thought those were passive crossover locations.....
  13. psycho72


    I read somewhre that there will be a change to the mounts, allowing for not using those bulky corners, can't remember the details but I read a bunch of posts where people where bishing and SM said there was gonna be an option or sumfin.
  14. Nice! I likey. The finished product should be great.
  15. psycho72

    Fog Lights

    Sorry don't know squat about fog lights but you keep mentioning them getting smashed anyway so why not work up a Lexan sheild to protect them. A tiny piece of lexan should not cost much and should offer much protection. The only hard part will be finding a way to not make it look ghetto.
  16. psycho72

    XXX or RL-s?

    I think he did an admirable job and even mentioned he has a biased opinion but we all do how can we hold that against him. Great read none the less. Thanks Dan.
  17. psycho72

    My RL-P box

    make a pair of these first, use your first box (pictured above as the mentioned scaps. Then while you at the depot getting a new sheet of mdf, get a table saw or if you are poor like me a nice long metal whatever that will not bend and two clamps. The metal edge and clamps will be your saw guide for clean edges. Also get a square so that you can make nice clean 90 degree turns. For the circle, get a nail, a pencil and a piece of string (or even better a $3 compass). Once you draw the circle drill a hole on the inside of the circle, close to an edge, put the jig saw blade in the hole and cut slow but steady. It does not have to be perfect but hey lets try and get it in the ball park this time
  18. psycho72

    My RL-P box

    buy a jig saw or stop drinking while cutting.....lol.....circle.....hahahhaaa
  19. psycho72

    DVD Burning Programs

    dvd decrtpter & dvd shrink
  20. psycho72

    Need good tweeters

    Your quoting bs paper numbers, according to the manufac that amp is 170x2@4Ohms or 80x4@4Ohms but most likely a less than that. How do you have things hooked up? Are you running through a passive crossover? What kind of tweets, actually what kind of components? Just guessing but I would say you are running one tweet to each of 2 channels and each mid to the other 2 channels and you probably have everything maxed, but that is just a guess.
  21. psycho72

    How much should i charge?

    business is business and friends are friends and if they want the friend discount then they have to lend the friend hand take the seats out bish pull up the carpet remove the panels scratch my nuts get me a beer punk shine my shoes bring me your bish
  22. Just outta concern for you and your financial difficulties arrising from too much power, I would gladly take one of your amps off your hands...you know....as a faver to you...
  23. Hey Mike, Just like the title says, the ring has left me unsatisfied....hows the foursome coming along? You know the two supremes setup with the strapped 4k watts that your bud was working on? Any chance of him posting a review?