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Everything posted by psycho72

  1. psycho72

    Office XP

    !tcennoC tceriD staeb gnihtoN
  2. psycho72

    Linear Motor Technology - A Reference

    I am hoping this will be a single woofer solution. You think it will handle 2000+ watts??? And is it gonna be a 2 or 4 ohm vc? What are the prelim estimates for box sizes (between big, big as hell, time to get a van or what the f was I thinking)? Jerry
  3. psycho72

    Whats SSA?

    Whassup peepols!!! I was lurking a little and I see alot of familiar names from caraudio.com so what is SSA? Is this a rouge group of unhappy caraudio members? Who runs this place? I notice you guys go into more than just audio. Is this a big place? How long has SSA been around? Jerry
  4. psycho72

    New Toy

    For your 302 fantasies CLICK HERE
  5. psycho72

    The SSystem

    Very nice install. And if you do get the plug out please do take pics, I like to see what it is that you are talking about. I assume this allows you to have a sealed or ported enclosure.
  6. psycho72

    ATTN: All SSAudio.com Members

    I use the New Dard because Dark Blue is kind of screwy with the side menu and there is not enough contrast. Don't know how hard it would be but a Dark Blue with a little more contrast on the info buttons would be cool (I am refering to the notes next to theads that tell you when a thread has a new reply or not). Just my 2 pesos.
  7. psycho72

    Exciting news from SoundSplinter

    Eric!!! aaayyyyy I'm with frosty on this one. 2ohm vc, that's what I need.
  8. psycho72

    lets take a vote

    This is just my own personal opinion but what I think would be titties is an old school bboy hit up in a wild style with a crazy bboy woofer guy posing next to a "SoundSplinter" tag in a sticker or directly applied to the magnets cover, you know that little black band that goes aroudn the magnets. Kinda like this: SOUNDSPLINTER except that it would be a tag. Then the woofer cone would be bare or have the black on black x thing.
  9. psycho72

    Linear Motor Technology - A Reference

    Just had a flash Team Sound Splinter Ohhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! On a more serious note, how much can you improve on the already impressive prototypes. You have first hand experience with them (btw can I come over and play with your toys Mike??) so what is the current goal. Improve low end? Cut costs? Improve SQ? Maybe poll us on what we would rather give up. Jerry
  10. psycho72

    Exciting news from SoundSplinter

    So what do you guys think about the LMT. For those of you that know how, what would you design the woofer for? What kind of specs and why? Just curious as this is just the beginning and I wonder how the end product will be as compared to what we all looking for. What kind of wattage you guys hopin it'll take?
  11. psycho72

    Exciting news from SoundSplinter

    Congrats Mike!!!! :yoji: I want to confirm the first order for a 15" LMT, maybe 2 if the price is right. I'll figure out how to get them in the car once they are here.