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Everything posted by JASON123

  1. Memphis amps are pretty underated i've heard the 16-MC1.4000 - Memphis 4000 x 1 Class D can peak out at 8000 to 10000 watts.
  2. Why did you start another thread about the same thing. I thought you were looking at memphis stuff.
  3. so should i buy memphis instead power acoustic ? I would memphis is good stuff
  4. And one guy offered me an memphis amp, does anyone know anything about memphis memphis stuff is all good imo memphis amps are real nice.
  5. JASON123

    I won HellFire 1000 from Steve Meade!!!

    Hell yeah look's nice let us know what you think of it
  6. JASON123

    If we made an SAZ-4500D...

    I want 1 or 2 yeah 2 hope enough people want them :bigclap: :bigclap:
  7. JASON123

    Scott, Did you get my other email?

    Try Nick"at"ficaraudio.com he can help
  8. JASON123

    If we made an SAZ-4500D...

    October is not that far away Im in if all goes well :bigclap:
  9. JASON123

    If we made an SAZ-4500D...

    If I got the money hell yea or if I don't already have a 3500d or too
  10. JASON123

    BTL Lead Time!

    people were so happy to order them they looked over it maybe they did not see the free cooling and a T-shirt lol
  11. JASON123

    Incriminator pricing

    it's over I think may 25 was the last day but can talk to Quentin and you never know
  12. JASON123

    Finally Got wheels again

    Dam for a 06 looks like new congrats
  13. JASON123

    MECA/NSCSPL show Statesville NC

    There's another one on June 28th. im going to try to make this one
  14. JASON123

    Can Anyone Help me?

    email them and ask them [email protected]
  15. JASON123

    Fi Q 12" Ported enclosure design

    yeah no tools get expensive but the materials to bulid the box are not to bad good luck with your install
  16. JASON123

    Fi Q 12" Ported enclosure design

    If you live in nc ill help you build one if you want to learn
  17. JASON123

    Fi Q 12" Ported enclosure design

    Do it your self it's not that hard or either get one of these guys to do it they are real good Audible Customs or Thumpper
  18. JASON123

    XCon Box Specs

    It look's like Term-PAK Enclosure Design but not sure
  19. JASON123

    Warden Series Release - May 1st

    I know you are a busy guy but have you got stared on this one yet
  20. JASON123

    xcon sealed

    have you ever had a ported box? if you havnt id go with ported and if you have id still go with ported. thats just me though. nope never had a real ported box I think ill try to do one for 2 xcon 18 with 15 to 20 cubes before driver displacement and bracing I like to try to copy one of thumppers flared port box if he dosent mind I doubt it will look as good as his but practice makes perfect I have a lot of wood working skills and some fiberglass skills and all of the tools and time lol just got to wait for some money
  21. JASON123

    xcon sealed

    Nothing wrong with asking that question at all. 4.25 cubes sealed and 6-6.25 cubes ported (before driver displacement) is about the smallest we suggest the 18" Xcon go. We suggest going a little large in both alignments, but either will be fine. if thats the smallest sealed and ported what would the largest be?
  22. JASON123

    I need your Help!! Please vote

    hope it helped
  23. JASON123

    Xcon 18s teaser pics #2 ;)

    man they look so bad assss
  24. JASON123

    Xcon 18s teaser pics #2 ;)

    ok cool im so ready for some new stuff
  25. JASON123

    Xcon 18s teaser pics #2 ;)

    how about 2 xcon 18 in a seald box what would be the right air space i will power them with 2 old ppi 2300 or 1or2 3500d not sure but i like the xcon a lot i was goona get fi but now i want xcon i got a lot of room so maybe 4 18 down the road ps i all ready have the ppi amps iv had them sence 1992 got them new 1 has never even ben install still in the box lol