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Everything posted by fast85_gt

  1. fast85_gt

    (some new vids) 2 18's and rd audio d9

    Yeah you can, most people run different types of batteries with no problems while others put an isolator between them just to be safe (its up to you). I personally wouldnt do it, just get all the same batteries but its thats just my personal preference. thanks man
  2. fast85_gt

    (some new vids) 2 18's and rd audio d9

    i have a ? can you run 3 diff batt's they have about the same resting volts it is a hc2400 and 2 stinger 2100's anyone no if this will work
  3. fast85_gt

    SSA sub woofer photography contest

    well i tried should have read the post better lol mod please deleat my last post
  4. fast85_gt

    (some new vids) 2 18's and rd audio d9

    i apologize ... you have a nice system going that flex is really good thanks
  5. fast85_gt

    (some new vids) 2 18's and rd audio d9

    it was took care of along time ago and he dont have facts glad it was taken care of but still your burn, facts or no facts people do know who you are i read the really long tread about you long time ago and you are not hurting me at all that was a long time ago it was took care of so please drop it i only flamed back becouse all the child molesters wont to bring my kids in it and trash talk them but like i said just its took care off so drop it it aint like you never had problems and i still have 100 percent feedback but im not selling anything so now back to the topic i apologize ... you have a nice system going that flex is really good why should you apologize to me it was my mistake not yours
  6. fast85_gt

    (some new vids) 2 18's and rd audio d9

    it was took care of along time ago and he dont have facts glad it was taken care of but still your burn, facts or no facts people do know who you are i read the really long tread about you long time ago and you are not hurting me at all that was a long time ago it was took care of so please drop it i only flamed back becouse all the child molesters wont to bring my kids in it and trash talk them but like i said just its took care off so drop it it aint like you never had problems and i still have 100 percent feedback but im not selling anything so now back to the topic
  7. fast85_gt

    (some new vids) 2 18's and rd audio d9

    it was took care of along time ago and he dont have facts
  8. fast85_gt

    (some new vids) 2 18's and rd audio d9

    songs sent bro enjoy if you need anymore lmk
  9. fast85_gt

    (some new vids) 2 18's and rd audio d9

    bet it wangs
  10. fast85_gt

    (some new vids) 2 18's and rd audio d9

    any time bro now lets see some vids
  11. fast85_gt

    (some new vids) 2 18's and rd audio d9

    song sent
  12. fast85_gt

    (some new vids) 2 18's and rd audio d9

    yea there is 2 layers of deading
  13. fast85_gt

    vid of my spoiler braking off

    here is a quick vid of my system ripping my spoiler off lol my wife was not happy My link
  14. fast85_gt

    SPL testing in '07 Scion Tc

    im also louder on music i do a 149.9 on a tone and 150.7 on music this was playing juice box by gorilla goe my box is tunud low but i get what you are saying
  15. fast85_gt

    amp protects

    ok i tested both sides and they read 2.2ohms but when i unhook both neg and wire them together not to the amp they play well and not protect but why is it playing with only the pos connected and the neg together but not to the amp?
  16. i have a zapco 2x100 that goe into protect at almost full tile i looked at voltage drope and the lowest was 12.77 volts and it went into protect and i turn the vol down and it starts playing again the ground is good any input?
  17. fast85_gt

    amp protects

    its a zapco i force 2100 wired to a set of fusion ss componet set and it does it cool or worm cool as in only playing it a few miunets and i have a rd audio d9 runing the subs and it has never protected and it gets warmer then the zapco
  18. fast85_gt

    please help wit box

    its on the treo website the ssx's dont requier alot of cuft per sub
  19. fast85_gt

    please help wit box

    i have 2 18" treo ssx's my box now is 9.99cf gross with a 100sqin port port is 4x25x21.5 deep after all dissplacements im at 7.68cuft treo reconmends 8cubes after dissplacment im doing a 150.7db at 34hz burp with 1 rd audio d9 amp but can you help me with my new box i plan on keeping it 8 cubes net but what can i do with the port to get more spl but still play low notes and keep it a dailey driver here is a link to treo ssx page click on the view specifications at the bottom of this page for the specs treo web site im running the amp at .5 ohms and this is a hatchback car im doing subs up port back please help me out thanks
  20. fast85_gt

    please help wit box

    with the new box it will be 4 cubes per sub after all dissplacments and right now they are at 3.7 or 3.8 cube thats why im building the new box this was my first box and some how i did not include the .60 displacment for the subs
  21. fast85_gt

    please help wit box

    i dont think i can ues 5" tall port but i can do 4"x30"x21.5deep should be around 35hz or so and 8 cubes net will this be a good box That sounds good, I just checked the numbers, go for it. thanks for all your help bro
  22. fast85_gt

    please help wit box

    i dont think i can ues 5" tall port but i can do 4"x30"x21.5deep should be around 35hz or so and 8 cubes net will this be a good box
  23. fast85_gt

    please help wit box

    so i can go with 8cubes after diss, and 120sqin of port do i keep it 21.5" deep or shorten it? thanks for the fast reply What are all the dimensions for your enclosure? the inside mess, is 14.5h x 34.5 wide x 34.5 deep and the port is 4 x 25 x 21.5 deep this is now but with the new box im going with the 120 sqin of port