Hello. I know this probably an annoying question, but if some one could give me an honest opinion I would really appreciate it. I have a 2007 Tahoe with 2 12w6v2's. They are in a ported box at the manufactures specs of 1.5 cubic ft per driver. It definitely sounds good. I am real happy with the box design and how the whole system intergrates into my vehicle. I have a Sundown 2000d on the way. I realize this is too much power but I wanted to have room for upgrades. I was looking at the specs on the 10 Icon and it looks like it would be a good match for this setup. I believe I could modify my box to hold the tens without too much trouble and at the same time keep my design in tact. I was wondering if 1, these drivers would work in 1.5 ported chamber each tuned to about 32 hz, and 2, would I be able to achieve the same amount of output as the 12w6's even though I will be losing cone area? Honestly I wouldn't mind having a little more output than what I have now. Sorry for being long winded.