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Everything posted by pogothemonk3y

  1. pogothemonk3y

    Prototype "SA" Series

    They should be arriving by the time I get home.
  2. pogothemonk3y

    Prototype "SA" Series

    In that case I think I'll be preordering 2 along with that SAZ-2000D. Would these be available when the 2000Ds are available? If so put me down on that preorder.
  3. pogothemonk3y

    Prototype "SA" Series

    Would a SAZ-2000D be a perfect match for 2 of these? Or is that overpowering them?
  4. pogothemonk3y

    SAZ-2000D Pre-Sale Poll

    Put me down for one, it's a for sure thing.
  5. pogothemonk3y

    Testing all the SAZ amps

    The density of the air could have played a role? Cold air is more dense. In warmer weather air moves around better. Just my guess.