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Everything posted by eggyhustles

  1. eggyhustles

    New system ideas.

    Figure out why you blew your sub before buying a new one.
  2. eggyhustles

    The New Kicker Comp R

    So... DCON's it is.National back order And? I'd rather wait for DCON's than go buy a Kicker. lol I love ssa and their subs, but comments like this and the way you guys hate "mainstream" brands is petty.
  3. eggyhustles

    Incriminator Pro Audio

    Pro audio was the best thing to ever happen to my ears.
  4. eggyhustles

    Anyone ever heard one of these?

    Good god.
  5. eggyhustles

    Review it for me: Civic install with obstacles

    Or he can opt for IB via the seat back with 2 12's or 15s That's if he doesn't mind losing the fold down
  6. eggyhustles

    3 ported on 1500 or 4 sealed on 2K

    Because 25 to 40hz is all that matters, right?
  7. eggyhustles

    3 ported on 1500 or 4 sealed on 2K

    sealed can get lower than ported Tons of other variables, though. I'd go with sealed.
  8. eggyhustles

    I need some input

    Type r's are fantastic subs Blame your lack of audio knowledge.
  9. eggyhustles

    I need some input

    Seriously? SERIOUSLY?
  10. eggyhustles

    2 Sundown sd2-8's in a ported box escort build

    Jacob made these as small box sealed sq subs What are you doing, dude?
  11. eggyhustles

    Team SSA 2012 Toyota Camry SE limited

    Makes sense. Car manufacturers make it a pain when it comes to audio add-ons. Honda's and acura's are the most user friendly. You get a flat signal straight from the headunit.
  12. eggyhustles

    Team SSA 2012 Toyota Camry SE limited

    Couldn't you go from the hu to the speaker level inputs on the amp?
  13. eggyhustles

    Is Bl 12 worth it for me?

    what sub do you currently have now
  14. eggyhustles

    if you got to pick

    AA smd
  15. eggyhustles

    Recommendations for a first time Build on a budget

    You got 1500, bro. The cost of electrical upgrades to support a BL and a loud enough front stage is gonna eat through most of your budget. Keeping power low should be key...electrical upgrades are not cheap. 2 15 dcon's will be very impressive on 600 watts. And you can recycle that memphis amp
  16. eggyhustles

    Which DSP do you use?

    i've had the best luck with bit.one's
  17. eggyhustles

    Need some advice on sub setup music only

    Get a better box design for the kicker?
  18. Ear never failed it either
  19. eggyhustles

    fi-q broken magnet

  20. eggyhustles

    Fi Q10, Hornresp, D.A.T.S, vs. Me :)

    That looks good!
  21. This is true.. They're on ebay for 189 ..if u trust it.
  22. Is the jump in price worth it, though? I don't think so. The sundown's are amazing amps at their price point. The crescendo's are good, too. Go with the whatevers the cheapest and use that money toward something else Better mids, more deadening, processing, etc etc. I also wouldn't rule out the PPI p900.4 http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_38338_Precision-Power-PPI-P900.4.html