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Everything posted by spencer

  1. spencer

    Team Sundown / Carlisle Acoustics Results and pics/vids

    Keep up the good work!
  2. spencer

    Sundown Audio Magnum

    I think I saw the tires come off the ground
  3. spencer

    From: SAZ-2000D Pre-Sale OPEN

    Will this help? I bought them in Dec.
  4. spencer

    From: SAZ-2000D Pre-Sale OPEN

    How can I tell, by looking @ the sub?
  5. Will a 2000d be too much for a 12 nightshade?
  6. spencer

    Vids 3k and Nightshade 18

    Lookn Good!
  7. spencer

    Thanks for the great amps guys!

  8. spencer

    SAZ-2000D Pre-Sale Poll

    Come on guys!!!
  9. When do you think the pre sale will start? Will one of theses amps work with a 12 nightshade?
  10. spencer

    Testing Sundown z15"s

    Looks nice fellas
  11. spencer

    2000d pre-sale?

    I'll take 2 @ that price!
  12. spencer

    jbizzle's 2 18" Sundown Nightshades

    Daaaaang thats hittn hard! Are you using any extra batts?
  13. spencer

    Sold on Sundown now

    Clean install. How long did it take you?
  14. spencer

    Nightshade-X (NS-X) First Photos

    Lets keep it PG...kids
  15. spencer

    DJ putting a hurrting on some people

    I think that dudes ears were bleeding!
  16. spencer

    Four AQ SDC2.5 15"s

    When are the 2000ds gonna be released?
  17. spencer

    Sundown Audio's Results

    Very nice gents! Keep up the good work!
  18. spencer

    mids/highs static

    A true car audio fan never gives up! Hang in there!
  19. spencer

    Lots of 18s

    Holy shnikies!!
  20. spencer

    Little Sundown System

    DAAAANG! That car is taking a beating! What did it ever do to you? Lol
  21. spencer

    Some Altima Flex

    Thats cool!
  22. spencer

    Finally got my stereo installed

    Very clean!