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Everything posted by corrie3232

  1. corrie3232

    Punch bass

    I've got a power 500m in my work truck, running a pair of 12's i have my bass remote turned all the way up, and it's been like this for 3 yrs without even one problem, so i guess something must be wrong with it the amp. becasue it's still working lol and i've had serveral rockford amps and never had a problem or even blown a sub, but i do know how to control the volume knob!!!!!!! I hate it when people blame the equipment instead of themselves.
  2. My GP3000D is far from over rated and with regard to reliability, so far so good. Easily the best $400.00 I have spent on an amp! [/quote i second that motion, had mine for 14 mths, great amp for the money,
  3. DB-r sale repaired Sundown amps , you could visit his site and see what he has., AQ 2200 is $349 , i don't know how much the brutus 2600 is, but you can get the MB Quart 2000 for $300 or less, my brother got one for $275 shipped from sonicelectronics. Also if you get a daul 1ohm btl you can also look at the audiopipe 3000, you could also get those for less than $350
  4. corrie3232

    DC Lvl 5 10 Testing for Limits

    that's hot
  5. I have, they have the same layout, but do use different components. if so i would love to see the different components between the two, that way we could compare what part is good and what part is not so good, instead of going by hear-say
  6. corrie3232

    Punch bass

    thats up to him, plus it doesn't matter, he's not doing spl comp
  7. repost it for all the knuckle heads out there
  8. corrie3232

    Hifonics Olympus any good or not?

    i don't know about the 1612 but PAS MAG did a review on the 2412
  9. it's out of the hifonics and Aq get witchever can fit you're budget. use your own judgement, when i comes to spending your hard earn money., It's easy to suggest what amps a person should get , when you're not paying for it..
  10. corrie3232

    Punch bass

    yes , he can get the whole set up from rockford
  11. corrie3232

    Mysterious Amp

    now that;s just wrong lol
  12. corrie3232

    suggestion on 12" subs in a ported box

    i have a 2000 mustang and i had to unbolt the rear seats and the bracket that holds the rear seat, just to get my box in., i had 3 RFosgate HE 10"s in a sealed box, firing inside the cabin, box angle with the back seat, and sealed off from the trunk.
  13. corrie3232


    sorry for being late to da party, I've used welding cable for sometime now and i think if you protect you wire from sharp edges, it doesn't matter. I've had my welding cable in my Mustang for 10 yrs now, and not had any issues, other than having to trim it down to go in to 0 gauge terminals.
  14. corrie3232

    Highs Amp Help

    i second that motion
  15. corrie3232

    suggestion on 12" subs in a ported box

    Ku40 is correct, 1.34 and 3 ohms, i have the same setup, with 12's , but at 1.34 ohms
  16. i've had my Pa 200 amp alternator for over three yrs. but i also paid $300 for it too,
  17. corrie3232

    Highs Amp Help

    i wish, I"ve been looking for those a long time, every since i seen them in 1989. PPi made them for Pyramid that's the sp2075 a guy had the sp2350 and the 4 channel super pro, in a nissan hardbody with a walk through, with 8 super blue 12s and man it will hurt u from the out side. It broke his windshield and all . Just like hair tricks , it would do shirt tricks , with you standing on the outside.
  18. And i never said what amp brand/brands that dbr was so backed up repairing., but u know the old saying ( i hit dog will hollar)
  19. corrie3232

    Highs Amp Help

    lol call it what u want to. Looking back in the post, i don't see your advice for the OP????? atleast i made and effort, showing pics of said amp, instead of going by here-say and imaginary pics of amps, you( JAY ) bust up in here tring to tell people what to post ?? But u know what, it's cool i love this!!!! I'M TAKING IT LIKE A REAL MAN AND STAYING AND FIGHTING not moving on.
  20. corrie3232

    Highs Amp Help

    young one i was not talking to u, respect your elders i posted my opinions just like everybody else on this post. i see nothing wrong with asking mjmarowi why not the Mb quart. Since he's the one that told the OP not to get it. And i thought this was a debate by the OP on what amp to get??? I maybe wrong. I suggested the Mb Quart because i've heard good things about it.
  21. corrie3232

    Highs Amp Help

    ummmm NO, OP please don't even look at this amp, it is OK, but wal-mart compared to arc and sundown, steg... now it seems you need to think about the future....the arc or the 100.4d would be plenty for those speakers even unbridged. and either could run them actively which actually can be safer for your tweeter since passives are generally only 12db/slope, and both those amps have 24 db/slope which will help keep tweeters from playing too low. most ppl blow tweets on passive setups, not the woofer. if you don't plan on running any more mids/highs in future then go with the 125.2 no questions asked. if you plan on running others in the future then get the arc or the sundown, both are amazing amplifiers, arc is and has been quite proven in SQ competition. and any arc or sundown amp will push more than rated power even after normal voltage drop. and whats wrong with Mb Quart By By [url=http://profile.imageshack.us/user/ By [url=http://profile.imageshack.us/user/ looks just like some other amps on here to me