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Everything posted by corrie3232

  1. yes the quart makes it's rated at 12+ volts
  2. corrie3232

    8" in the doors.

    Lanzar OPTI8MI Car Speakers at Onlinecarstereo.com they also have the 10 inch version too
  3. corrie3232

    performance teknique amps?

    UMMM I didn't ask the question, the OP did. And i said ( i take it nobody has actually heard one playing) because no one answered his question of hearing one . Not saying that I've heard one or even seen one. Maybe i should have put a question mark behind it. Get off the high horse damn!!!!
  4. corrie3232

    performance teknique amps?

    hell no I'm not defending it, I'm just wondering just like the OP asked. He asked if anyone heard the amps, and people are just telling him what else to get instead of answering the question. He didn't asked what amp would you recommend
  5. corrie3232

    performance teknique amps?

    I take it that no one has heard one actually playing
  6. Bingo and well said !! Being 39 and having had a system or two in my life there were some hard lessons in my youth to learn that. When you keep replacing things over and over no matter the brand there is only one common denominator and that is what you see in the mirror. I have not blown and amp or a speaker since my early 20's. Take care of your purchase and it will take care of you. thats what i'm talking about
  7. yes they have a 2 yr warranty And i can't speak for everyone here, but what really is customer service?? i've been in this game a long time and never had to use customer service, becasue i've never had any problems with anything i've bought be it sub or amps. If you have a good product , why would u ever need to call customer service. ( to ask how you're doing) And to the people that actually calls customer service, WHY, i just wanna know.
  8. AQ 2200 -$389 shipped SAZ 2000 $615 shipped And who knows how long any amp will live, could be a week, could be ten yrs. That's up to the user
  9. corrie3232


    I've heard that you should have atleast 100ah of battery for every 1000 watts
  10. corrie3232

    crunch 1500.1 any good

    I've never seen a 1500.1 with 4-40amp fuses, only 3-40 amp fuses , and those are class a/b amps and are rated at 750 wrms. Do u have pics of the amp.
  11. corrie3232

    just receive a 15" Xcon : what to do?

    x2, Thats what I heard so thats what I do. x3 same here
  12. yes there's nothing wrong with you putting your dead battery in your friends car to charge it, as long as his car is running and doesn't shut off when he's taking his battery out.
  13. It shouldn't be a floating ground, in my Mustang the dashbord is bolted to the fire wall and the floor with metal tabs and bolts. ( I know i had to take the whole dash out to replace the heater core) I think all cars are bolted this way, but i could be wrong
  14. Are you using any of the factory ground wires on your equipment
  15. Try DB Electrical and Starter-Alternator
  16. corrie3232

    The new AA woofer

    i missed that post, why not
  17. corrie3232

    SSD stopped working

    u didn't get the BP option on the 12's???
  18. on the 1999 mustang gt, if you had the factory Mach 1 system, you have a 130 amp atlernator, as for your batteries reading 12.3-12.1 volts with the car off, is normal, it should go up once you crank the car up. So you wouldn't need new batteries.
  19. corrie3232

    mb quart amps

    I've only heard good things about them.
  20. hey. try and switch out the crossover card under the amp, sometimes they don't have a good connection. the little card has three different ways it can go in, hp, full range and sub. i used to run those and after a while the connection tabs will lose grip.
  21. corrie3232

    New PG amplifiers

    I'm glad to see something different, not the same-ol-same-ol copy cat boards. Anybody could order up a couple 100 amp boards, change a couple of components and slap their name on it. It takes guts to start from the ground up. Give the people something different?
  22. corrie3232

    Batcap Issue

    this is a prime example of not following directions, just follow the directions that came with the batcap, i would trust them before anyone else. that way if it blow up you could blame batcap, not the people here
  23. every amp breaks, thats why DB-R keeps a good supply of refurbished amps.!!! I know plenty of people who's had great success with hifonics, when installed correctly, and also i've heard bad things too, but none that was DOA. and when the amps do have a problem , they're quick to blame the manufactur instead of themselves. To the OP, i see nothing wrong with getting a 2610, but ask yourself this question, they keep bashing on hifonics then 1) why would db-r be selling so many refurbished amps. 2) why did they break 3) was it user error 4) was it DOA . This happens to the best of them, no matter what name is on it.