Not sure if this is the correct place to post...if not, mods, feel free to move! I recently installed a HU for a friend. She has a 1989 Ford Taurus. When she bought the car, the front speakers didn't work. I replaced the speakers last spring, and that did not fix the problem. This past weekend, I installed a Pioneer HU, hoping that would correct the issue. But, no, it did not. So I am wondering...could I just splice new speaker wire into the Pioneer side of the harness, and basically run new wires to the speakers? In doing this, I would bypass the factory wiring, hopefully solving the problem. But, if I bypass the factory wiring, won't I also bypass factory ground? Or does the HU provide a sufficient ground for the speakers? I figure if necessary I could just ground the speakers somewhere in the door, and just run new power wires from the harness. Sorry for the long-winded explanation, but I wanted to be as clear as I could be. I am going to try to fix this issue this coming weekend. I have asked this question on another forum, with no real results. Hoping you guys can help me out! Thanks! geo