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Everything posted by Finkster

  1. Finkster

    Carbon Fiber Mids

    Let me know how 60 hz goes. My RE xxx comps love it low and these are the only mids right now I'm considering witching to. Cant wait for a vid
  2. Finkster

    Digital Designs Headphones

    I have the DDs and the 15 dollar skullcandy earbuds outperform them in bass LOL only difference is that the DDs get a little louder and have clearer mids and highs. Not worth the 75 dollar increase from the SC
  3. Finkster

    SSA's Daily fitness iHop

    weighted pull ups dumbbell rows rack pulls cable rows lat pulls (don't really know what they're called. Usually do more exercises but didnt feel very pumped yesterday. Also, a small rant about the supplement I'm trying called Jack3d. I hear all this craze over how motivated and pumped and focused you get when taking this and I dont feel anything like that. I am going to quit all stimulants for a month and see if that helps. But as for now, a Monster drink hypes me up more than that stuff does (no I dont take them at the same time lol). /rant
  4. Finkster

    I hate thieves

    Dude I know what you mean. Not car audio but two weeks ago my 150 dollar pool cue was stolen from a bar I shoot in. I'm a regular there and of all the places in town for it to happen, this was the least likely. I LOVED it and I dont have the cash to buy a new one yet... FUCK THIEVES!!!
  5. Finkster

    SSA's Daily fitness iHop

    GJ Try HIIT once or twice a week for 2 weeks and be amazed
  6. Finkster

    4 channel amp comparison

    Going active up front eh...I like. That Boss amp sounds tempting, and for the price it's worth a try. Oh and in all honesty, rear fill is over rated and is misused most of the time. I dont run rears in my car, and I have zero complaints.
  7. Finkster

    SSA's Daily fitness iHop

    Bench Inclinde dumbbell bench dips with weight (pats myself on back) cable chest flies Wasnt feeling great today. Looking forward to back and bis tomorrow.
  8. Finkster

    How Do You Listen To Your Music?

    I just listened to a cd in my deck for the first time in a while. Someone just gave me the original Bloodhound Gang cd "Hooray for Boobies" and it was quite a flashback lol. Usually I listen to my iPod through the aux cable. Deck is an Eclipse cd7000.
  9. Finkster

    new here

    just wanted to say what's up...looks nice here and I'm happy to finally be a men we... So yea...
  10. Finkster

    How did you guys find SSA???

    yes sir... i saw it and just had to take a peek over here
  11. Finkster

    How did you guys find SSA???

    Hey all...I found this site thru SMD...and like it already LOL...
  12. Finkster

    new here

    whoops dam iPod keyboard...I meant to say that I am glad to finally be a member here LOL...