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About Bhong1114

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  1. On a possible pair of 12"s that could handle. Basically becaue i dont have space for 15's and i want volume maybe over sound quality so, basically i have looked at so far 12" juggernauts mmats re sx but i think they cant handle that much dc soundlab? deathpenatly's IA I mean Just wondering if people got suggestions
  2. Bhong1114

    new member alan dante

    Yea dang thats crazy i have heard alot about u alan dante....i remeber reading up on it....interesting.
  3. Bhong1114


  4. Bhong1114

    newbie here..

    Just wonderin how do you start actually posting and replying on other forum places other than just the newbie placE? I remeber seeing soemthing like after 25 posts u will have acess granted or something of the sort.....
  5. Bhong1114

    JOined specifically for

    Two 12" woofers taht would be able to handle my soundstream xxx 6500 amp.....
  6. Bhong1114


    To introduce and post 3 times here before i can say anything in classifieds?
  7. Bhong1114

    How did you guys find SSA???

    Wsup yall, I actually found SSAudio through just hearing about most of the products they sell I usually or daily browse through caraudio.com forum but for some reason past day or two they been having issues and won't pull the site up for longer than five minutes. Kind of annoying.