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Everything posted by johnecon2001

  1. johnecon2001


  2. johnecon2001

    A few subwoofer questions..

    Just like you said for hook up. The only thing that's different is the amp gets embedded in the box. And you plug it into 120VAC instead of a car battery.
  3. johnecon2001

    SSA teaser pics of 8" driver

    lol, Ryan said cock.
  4. johnecon2001

    Projector FAQs

    Sure, you might even save some money by dropping the lumens. Depending on how much ambient light is left, the most you'll ever really need in a dark situation is 1000 Lumens.
  5. johnecon2001

    6 inch subs

    Mypre Audio makes a 6.5" sub.
  6. johnecon2001

    help me understand.

    It depends on which sub you'll be running. Simply put with less resistance, the amp will put out more power. Hence the rating at 2 ohms and at 4 ohms.
  7. johnecon2001

    when posting vids

  8. johnecon2001

    help me go active.

    Your deck won't control your speakers for an active setup. You'll need a 2-way crossover with a Bandpass for the mids. AudioControl makes a few decent pieces.
  9. johnecon2001

    Simple Question

    Internal. After displacement.
  10. johnecon2001

    Good morningggggg, Vietnam! From Orange County

    Thanks for your help in that other thread and welcome to SSA!
  11. johnecon2001

    TC Sounds Liquidation Inventory

    That test equipment .... :drool:
  12. johnecon2001

    Finished my First Tube Project!

    Contact cleaner will clean the pots up.
  13. johnecon2001

    Alpine IVA-W205 IPOD problem

    You have no idea how happy this makes me. I was WORRIED for the longest time, because that's the setup I'm building towards.
  14. johnecon2001


    Nate had a bad run of alts a couple years ago. I don't know what was causing it, but everyone who had a defective product was taken care of. There's also a group buy on Realm of Excursion for his alternators right now.
  15. johnecon2001

    cone tore straight in half

    Host it in our gallery.
  16. johnecon2001


    Ohio Gen and Excessive are NOT remanufactured alternators.
  17. johnecon2001

    Poor dynamic range from sub/amp?

    I'd guess its because you have them sealed, and you aren't accustomed to that type of sound. Might as well go ported. That's what you really need.
  18. johnecon2001

    cone tore straight in half

    I'm calling BS on this. No pics? Must not be important.
  19. johnecon2001

    15" icon boxes

    I've got mine in a 9.2^3ft box @ 25hz. Dual 4" Flared Aero Ports
  20. johnecon2001

    3000d at .5 ohms?

    Ypu should read the Sundown Forum stickies. Right above where you just posted.
  21. johnecon2001

    TC going belly-up

    Since TC is effectively shut down because of the Bankruptcy, they're unallowed to make new/more products at this time. As soon as it's over, I'm sure they'll start right back up again. http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/i...showtopic=16511
  22. johnecon2001

    Propolusion Choice of the future

    While this is true, diesel would help to relieve some of the dependence, as diesel does not need to be refined as much, so there is not as much waste. Turbo diesels are also known to get 35 MPG+ when used in passenger vehicles, which again would help to alleviate some of the dependency while we search for a more permanent solution. I have seen things about using vegetable oil/old frying grease for fuel...guess what kind of engines those get put into: diesels. Oh, I know veggie oil goes into diesels. I was just stating that the diesel fuel itself was not the way to go vs veggie.
  23. johnecon2001

    Wiring Kit

    That one is fine for you.
  24. Not that you should ever run your head unit like this, but turn up every setting you possibly can on the HU. Then measure voltage.
  25. johnecon2001

    Propolusion Choice of the future

    Diesels do nothing to help out environment nor rid us of dependence on fossil fuel. Hydrogen or vegetable oil are the way to go. I lean more towards vegetable oil since it's a renewable source.