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Everything posted by johnecon2001

  1. johnecon2001

    What has the greatest effect on.....

    Box. The Woofers Fs is important too.
  2. Looks like bad news for every one who suckered up and bought one of those Missing Link Audio voltage boosters.
  3. johnecon2001

    Baby friendly suggestions.

    Ryan.. you CAN NOT go from a Cobra to a Neon... I mean c'mon!
  4. johnecon2001


    Only thing I can think of in a Tube amp that needs to be wound is the Transformer.
  5. johnecon2001

    Starting to get fustrated

    How are your RCA's run? Do they go from the head unit to one amp and loop out of that amp to the other? What happens if you have both amps on and no RCA's plugged in?
  6. johnecon2001

    HOW DO I BUY A FI CAR Q12???

    Why can't you go through the website? https://ssl.perfora.net/www.ficaraudio.com/...1548240e3e6929e
  7. johnecon2001

    Baby friendly suggestions.

    I'll throw my hat in for Toyota, since I recently converted to a 2005 Tacoma. Obviously that might be out of your price range, but the previous gen was nice as well. Try looking into a 00-04 Double cab. It'll be a short bed (5ft?) but it's a truck and that gen got good gas mileage even with the 3.4L V6. The 2004's are priced a little high, but you may be able to scoop one up cheap as the 2009's get released.
  8. johnecon2001

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Pics, or it didn't happen.
  9. johnecon2001

    lil problem startin to piss me off

    Well there you go. Do you have funds for a new head unit?
  10. johnecon2001

    suggestions on subs/ system design

    We've all learned otherwise. Reading between the lines ftw.
  11. johnecon2001


    Instead of going with the 400a alternator, why not go with at most a 300a and a couple of large, efficient batteries.
  12. johnecon2001

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I pwnt the new guy.
  13. johnecon2001

    glassing inside box?

    Well... Just do the inside then. And instead of multiple strips, lay one big one to make the basic form and then use smaller ones to add rigidity later on.
  14. johnecon2001

    glassing inside box?

    Well obviously tape off the area first. Then lay some mat and resin over it to make your first shell. Then resin the shell to the box inside and out. You can also screw the shell to the box and then resin over it. Make sure to add more mat at all the seems.
  15. johnecon2001

    BL and RL-P18

    And you're basing that statement off of what exactly? Your need to get 25 posts before you can post in our F/S section?
  16. johnecon2001

    Kenwood DNX8120

    What do you want it to do for you? I've got the IVA-W205 from Alpine.
  17. johnecon2001

    Wet cell vs. Dry cell

    A wet cell lead acid? Like the kind you use under your hood that lets off toxic fumes that kill brain cells?
  18. And they say Italians don't speak good English!
  19. johnecon2001

    So... I've got a pair of MAW12's coming

    How exactly was that spam?
  20. johnecon2001

    Budget Setup Suggestions

    Yes, but he also added acoustical treatment to the speaker locations and the doors. And he had the Pioneer P9 Combo to control everything. Not to mention he actively amped them too. When you make that many changes, they're not really stock speakers any more.
  21. johnecon2001


    lol you don't need a 400a Alternator for one 3000D.
  22. johnecon2001

    2 ohm components

    The RE XXX comp set is 2 ohm. But it's spendy and not that great sounding.
  23. johnecon2001

    I guess it's time to boycott Creative Labs...

    Wait, you have to install sound cards in your computers?  Mac.
  24. johnecon2001

    Budget Setup Suggestions

    That'd be a great idea, especially paired with the new Mag. It's a D2 woofer, so you could wire it in Series and bridge two channels of the SAX-100.4 to it. It doesn't need much power, as it's a very efficient woofer.