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Everything posted by johnecon2001

  1. johnecon2001

    Q's discontinued?

    http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/i...showtopic=17757 http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/i...showtopic=17501 http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/i...showtopic=17533 Hmmm searching..
  2. johnecon2001

    ~~ SSA Protoype super8 ~~

    Aaron.. what's the depth?
  3. If you port through the deck, the majority of the sound you'll hear is the tuning frequency. Not that that's bad.. just letting you know.
  4. johnecon2001

    Dennis' Mach 5 Bitch Van Build Log

    No pics.. Mark sux at build logs.
  5. johnecon2001

    2 Way active Setup for Friend

    Not that you'll be able to audibly hear a difference in SQ. You may hear a bit in SPL, but not enough to make you *gasp*. A benefit to a larger box is running less power. You could always use the recommended box size and then stuff it about half full with polyfill. That should get you an extra .2^3ft of "space".
  6. johnecon2001

    one 12" BL or one 12" BTL?

    If you have the electrical backbone to support 2000w, then go with the BTL setup.
  7. johnecon2001

    Terrible Pictures of my Spec V

    I like black wheels a lot.
  8. johnecon2001

    Too much power???

    how much would it go for on the forums? (trying to figure out if its worth the gas to go get it....) On the low side, I'd imagine at least $300.
  9. johnecon2001

    Too much power???

    Why not buy it then resell it to get something more efficient?
  10. johnecon2001


    I use whatever Radioshack sells. It melts quick, spreads evenly, and I like the smell.
  11. johnecon2001

    Hitting The Lows

    Which is why I voted for the BL.
  12. johnecon2001

    BTL questions

    The BTL isn't something you can just give recommendations without knowing a few more things about what you have. So how about a little more information on your part? All we know so far is you have 2 BTL 18" woofers.
  13. johnecon2001


    I'd actually go with the MRP-M1000 after reading the specs. The PDX has some nice input electronics, but that doesn't really mean beans as far as a sub amp goes. It also produces the same power at 4 ohms and at 2 ohms whereas the MRP creates 1000w @ 2ohms. Which is better suited to 2 Type R's than the PDX is. http://www.alpine-usa.com/US-en/products/c...mp;category=AMP Buy the DVC2 ohm Type R's and wire them like this:
  14. johnecon2001

    one 12" BL or one 12" BTL?

    He didn't say what Lanzar he has.. If it's the OptiDrive.. you don't get much better imo.
  15. johnecon2001

    is it normal

    Well if only one of them does it, I would guess no.. it's not normal.
  16. johnecon2001


    Enjoy your stay. Just don't break the rules and you'll be fine here.
  17. johnecon2001


    What ohm load are your Type R's?
  18. johnecon2001

    need help with sub box

    You could drop to one 18" ported. You obviously don't have the room for two ported or sealed.
  19. johnecon2001

    Calculator moved

    Looks like someone forgot to pay the bill.. Edit: I take that back.. he's got the domain registered till may of '09.
  20. johnecon2001

    should i get a new headunit?

    You'll probably have to look into an older Pioneer flip up to stay under your budget.
  21. johnecon2001

    help me choose a amp

    The crunch GP3000D seems to be getting good reviews while maintaining a good price.
  22. johnecon2001

    100.2 in protection mode why???

    Not necessarily. So you were running one channel at 2 ohms?
  23. johnecon2001


    You're not running a ton of power, so you should be able to get away with an alt on the small side of the High Output spectrum. Look into Iraggi or Excessive Amperage and ask for a 180-200A.
  24. johnecon2001

    should i get a new headunit?

    No one needs anything. What do you want? Do you have a Single DIN or a Double DIN?
  25. johnecon2001

    One 15" BTL Vs Two 12" BL

    35-37hz should do nicely.