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Everything posted by johnecon2001

  1. johnecon2001

    AA Mayhem

    They've been out for awhile iirc.
  2. johnecon2001

    my set up

    Wow, 4 posts where one could have sufficed. *merged*
  3. johnecon2001

    Fi Q or BL?

    The BL does indeed sound like the woofer for you. The lowend that the Q exceeds in is not apparent in Rap as much as other music. The frequency you like in rap is around 40-55hz.
  4. johnecon2001

    Just ordered a bunch of stuff wooot!!!

    250a would be about right for 1/0awg.
  5. johnecon2001

    how to gain more numbers

    Could try rounding the port too. No sharp edges. 45 degree's might help.
  6. johnecon2001

    DP 18" & SAZ-1500D build log

    32hz.. thats an interesting tuning freq for bassrace..
  7. johnecon2001

    Single Cab Truck Design

    You maximum dimensions are pretty key to establish what you can and cannot fit back there.
  8. johnecon2001

    Surround for 12" Icon

    You can't just replace the surround, you'll need to get a complete recone.
  9. Just bought 12 of each http://www.mileskimball.com/mileskimball/Shopping/ProductDetail.aspx?CID=Science%2fNature&SCID=Astro naut+and+Space+Toys&CollectionID=DC0000640&SiteNum =0&SourceCode=10618000006&siteID=r4B3kA9h4zM-vKlcsi4ADSjbZgH_WL68Ug://http://www.mileskimball.com/mileski...ADSjbZgH_WL68Ug Use Coupon Code: 10618000004 For $1 Shipping & Handling
  10. johnecon2001

    SSA 12" ICON test enclosure

    It sucks. I hate it. That speckled paint.... makes me jealous. No more pics from you please. You make me cry.
  11. johnecon2001

    havoc 18"-- dB

    No one knows. You can't calculate SPL on a notepad.
  12. Eh they're still shielded.. just not a grounded shield. Which is kind of hard to do in a two conductor RCA.
  13. johnecon2001


    Yes, a baffle on the outside of the box is fine It wants the interior of the box, after all displacements. The calculator already takes into account the minimal space the tube takes up. Front battery +---Fuse------------Fuse---Rear battery +----(fuses)---Amps You ordered the wrong Voice coils on your subs. Should have gotten Dual 2. The best you can do without voiding the Sundown warranty is either run each amp on one sub at 2 ohms. Or strap them both and run them at 4 ohms. Deka Intimidator 9A31. If you're apart of realm of excursion forums, there is a group buy going on in the classifieds section for the Deka's.
  14. johnecon2001

    2 batteries

    You still need a fuse 18" from each battery.
  15. johnecon2001

    HT subwoofer enclosure

    Why are you going ported for a home theatre sub? Go sealed! And then add polyfill as you need to change the response a hair.
  16. johnecon2001

    SSA 12" ICON test enclosure

    You would make a sweet test box.
  17. johnecon2001

    Not enough output on rock music?

    Most of the bass you're looking for comes from your front stage. If that's a weak point in your system, then you'll notice a distinct lack in that area of sound.
  18. johnecon2001

    Woofer parameter tester

    So it does work then? Fantastic idea for any professional box builders to get one, seeing how it's only $99.
  19. johnecon2001

    loud screeching noise

    You grounded the RCA's. Pioneer's have a typical ground trace that blows internally and causes the noise. Grounding the shielding on the RCA fixes this.
  20. johnecon2001

    AMP HELP!!!!!

    2 Sundowns, everytime.
  21. johnecon2001

    3 15" Icons!

    Really?? I thought you were going a completely different direction. Glad you stuck with the good stuff though, that should wang. Any idea on box or electrical yet?
  22. johnecon2001

    loud screeching noise

    A) it's not your amp ground B) ground loop isolators probably won't fix the problem, and it's just a bandaid for the real problem.
  23. johnecon2001

    HBD Helotaxi

    Deep thoughts birfday? Nahhhhhh commence with the
  24. johnecon2001

    Neo + Ceramic Hybrid Motor

    I do like the "comex" as well. The basket and motors leave something to be desired though.
  25. johnecon2001

    audiobahn a2300 hct

    I got my information from termpro, where people actually bench tested those amp. Going by what you hear.. isn't a very good way to tell if an amp is worth its salts.