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Everything posted by johnecon2001

  1. johnecon2001

    40.1 remote lead question?

    The remote already is 12v from your head unit...
  2. johnecon2001

    The big three questions

    The fact that you upgraded the power wires and not the ground wire is the problem right there. You can't do that and expect things to get better. Finish the job.
  3. johnecon2001

    The "X"con 12" prototype has arrived

    That's a big ass. Talking about the subwoofer everyone, not Mark..
  4. johnecon2001


    well.. heh I can recommend extremely nice mics, but for car purposes the Behringer ECM8000 should be perfectly fine. As far as interfaces go, pretty much any USB microphone pre-amplifier at around $100 should have decent enough specs.
  5. johnecon2001

    Did not get universal coil...Possible to change?

    If you didn't get the universal option and you have a Dual 1 sub.. you're going to need a new motor. Might as well just sell what you have and buy a new one.
  6. johnecon2001


    Depends on what you want to do with it really and if you plan to power it in car or out of car. Goldline makes a few quality pieces. Their older gear wasn't horribly accurate, but it would still work to achieve a flatter system respons Ideally, you should look into a USB interface and a good measurement mic and then get an application for a computer. This will let you look at the bigger picture with Phase, Time alignment and EQ.
  7. johnecon2001

    Sundown and Fi Build

    Yeah, there was like 4 different formats of the pics, there was an E-mail one, a direct link one, an HTML(the one I used), and a IMG code, I didn't know which one to use For future link codes, you'll want to use the code.
  8. johnecon2001

    Sundown and Fi Build

    You used the wrong link codes, I'll try to fix it for you.
  9. Thought being, shorter grounds = less resistance. Which is difficult in unibody cars, where running a ground directly right to the battery will most likely be a lower resistance than running through the frame.
  10. johnecon2001

    fuse help

    You need one fuse for each size of wire. 250-300a for the 1/0awg, 80-150a for the 4awg, and 50-80a for the 8awg.
  11. johnecon2001

    Rli-10 v. Rl-p12

    I'm sure I'm not the only one wondering WTF an "ext dime" is.
  12. johnecon2001

    saz1500d and which woofers?

    How much space are you willing to sacrifice and what is your overall goal with your system?
  13. johnecon2001

    Need Expert Advice

    The BL would be a better choice for you in the 32-35hz tuned box.
  14. johnecon2001

    I just have to share this

    olllld. saw that forever ago
  15. johnecon2001

    Terminals on a BTL

    8awg will fit the BTL terminals. As far as replacing them.. I don't see the need. Not like the terminals will be moving, push ones are fine.
  16. johnecon2001

    Which is the better glue?

    Either will work fine.
  17. I'm assuming it's a demo wall and serves no other purpose? Because that's just ridiculous.
  18. I personally hate that Behringer amplifier. Soo noisy, even as a sub amp.
  19. johnecon2001

    Voice Speakers

    That speaker sounds blown.
  20. johnecon2001

    Expedition w/four 18" BTLs

  21. johnecon2001


    You can mix and match just fine.
  22. johnecon2001

    amp for a Fi BTL

    A dual 2 ohm sub can be ran at either 1 ohm or 4 ohms.
  23. johnecon2001

    2 ohm btl

    That amp would be good for about nothing. How about a budget. That would help figure out what you can afford.
  24. johnecon2001

    amp decision help

    You'll want to look for an amp that produces 700-1kW @ 1 or 4 ohms.
  25. johnecon2001

    sub decision help

    You left out a little information..