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Everything posted by johnecon2001

  1. johnecon2001

    Grill cloth and tweeters

    Depends on the cloth, but usually it will dampen the overall sound.
  2. johnecon2001

    crazy amp deal 2400 watts

    Behringer is not really a great brand. 1) all of their designs are ripped off of other companies. I dare anyone to give me on of their products and I'll find the replica to it. 2) If ripping off the design wasn't enough, all of the components are of a lesser grade than the competitors.
  3. johnecon2001


    eh not to rain on the Flatline parade at all.. But did you think about the name at all? There was another great SQ woofer that has the same name. Is that a copyright issue at all? http://www.arcaudio.com/arc-05/subwoofers/flat_12d2.htm :/
  4. johnecon2001

    DD anyone?

    18's are the new 15. That thing is huge.
  5. Well im in a single cab with a bench seat. I'd like to pull the bench out and replace them with bucket seats. Then build a ported box for one 12 from the back wall to the dash but im having trouble getting hold of a set that will match my dark red/maroon interior. I can build a box to put behind the seat but then i have issuses with sub depth and sub excursion because i don't want to ride on the steering wheel. The depth of 5.75 of my Fi X 12's work out nice but they aren't as loud as i'd like. I know i could fit a deeper 10 inch woofer behind the seat because of being able to position the sub lower on a wedge box. Only thing with this is that im concerned with the sound of a 10 inch woofer. To say that you're concerned with the sound of a 10" woofer... is well wrong. Please tell me what difference a 10 vs a 12 will be. basically what I'm getting at is, as long as you build a proper box, a 10" woofer will have just as much output as any other size woofer. Enclosure is KEY to getting excellant sound and volume from your woofer. Build the box wrong and I'll beat it with a shitty ebay 8" in a correct box.
  6. johnecon2001

    Why do they sound like butt?

    That could easily be explained by the voltage of the LED's. If they're not 12v LED's they'll be very dim.
  7. You should be looking at the Soundsplinter RL-p, although.. I think I might be flipping around what it needs (might be a small ported box instead of small sealed). Either way, .6ft^3 is a damn small amount of space for a 12".
  8. johnecon2001

    TC-sounds subs for sale.... MUST GO!

    I agree. I've been watching you all day. Bumping old threads is one thing, but posting all 25 of your posts today so you can make a F/S thread for 13 subs is not acceptable. I'd suggest you do one of two things. 1) Be a part of the community for over a month ACTIVELY (2-ish posts a day). Then once you've established yourself here, list your items again. 2) Leave. Pick one.
  9. johnecon2001

    Just beat Halo III

    while I'm not a die hard fan, I do love the trilogy. And this game is damn good. Story line is even planned out too.
  10. johnecon2001

    Just beat Halo III

    What last guy?
  11. johnecon2001

    New pistol

    LOL @ jamming Glocks. I've yet to have a misfire or jam with mine.
  12. johnecon2001

    Why do they sound like butt?

    Is it a home theatre sub?
  13. johnecon2001

    how to ? sticky ?

    With one difference.. when you parallel them it does not drop the voltage.
  14. johnecon2001

    DVD Recorders

    I would stay away from anything Panasonic (the DVD-R menu's are really hard to navigate). Phillips makes some really nice stuff that's pretty easy to use, but it is more pricey. For a cheaper alternative, look into something from Sylvania. Another easy to use brand with a cheaper price tag. A few of them just have the DVD recorder, but some of them have an internal Hard Drive as well.
  15. johnecon2001

    New pistol

    how much did you end up paying Justin? That looks like I might have to sell mah Glock and get that.
  16. johnecon2001

    Shiva-x and shiva questions

    What box? Can you post some specs?
  17. johnecon2001

    THE BIG 3

    depends on what amperage output your alt does. if you put lets say for example a 100amp fuse in line when you have a stock 130amp alt, when the alt starts producing max voltage the fuse will pop. but if you have lets say a 100amp fuse and an 80amp stock alt. then your good to go. check what your stock alt is rated to do, than just go a bit above it. That's not entirely accurate. If you have a 130a alt you should be using at least 4awg. When you run 4awg, you should fuse it to 150a. Of course, with the big three, the maximum wire siz you can afford should be used (most people use 1/0awg). You can fuse 1/0awg up to 350a.
  18. johnecon2001

    Just put in two MD3D 07 model to two 13W7

    Just post the pics here, or add a direct link.
  19. johnecon2001

    just a question

    I could think of a lot better subs than that, where I would spend $335.
  20. johnecon2001

    Why do they sound like butt?

    Pics of box, sounds really funky. What was wrong with a standard box with them both pointing the same way?
  21. johnecon2001

    just a question

    How about a little more backround information. Sounds like its stolen.
  22. johnecon2001

    2 sundown saz 1500's or 1 sundown saz 3000d

    no its not.....look at the guts idont see 2 in one and jacob stated that its its own design not 2 in one if that was the case it wouold only be 2 ohm stable.......do some research before making statements like that... First off, watch your mouth here. This is a good community and blatantly attacking someone here is frowned upon. Second off, Essentially you're still wrong. You can take the guts from two 1500D's and combine them into one and call it a 3000D, count the internal caps and other components. It's a different board sure, but the internal workings are close to what two 1500D's have. It can be whatever ohm load it needs to be with some basic upgrades. There are tons of big amps that are just two smaller amps strapped inside that will go below 2 ohms. You do some research before you get on my shit list.
  23. johnecon2001

    2 sundown saz 1500's or 1 sundown saz 3000d

    1 3000D is essentially 2 1500D's in one chassis. FYI.
  24. johnecon2001

    what sundown amp should i use! please help

    What's your impedence after box rise? And what type of electrical have you done? I'd assume you've done a bit of upgrading if you ran the goliath.
  25. johnecon2001

    what are you thankful for today?

    I'm thankful for my balls. And the fact that they belong to no woman yet. (2007 has been a rough year)