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Everything posted by johnecon2001

  1. johnecon2001

    Finally get to have a lil fun @ work

    Yours looks really nice, not a big fan of the full wall in the bosses place, but whatever!
  2. johnecon2001

    Alt. Size ?

    Don't make me ban you.
  3. You really got your answer in the first reply. You can trust that guy, honest.
  4. johnecon2001

    Alt. Size ?

    I would say the 200a would be fine with one stout battery under the hood for that little power. And even that is still overkill. Even if you had an amplifier that was 100% efficient (which no one does), you would have to be hitting that full 2400w @ 12v to pull a full 200a. I'd guess you'll only realistically need 180a at the most.
  5. johnecon2001

    Winter 07/08 "I went in a ditch!" count

    Does going in on purpose count? I do a lot of off roading, and ditches are fun!
  6. johnecon2001

    Alt. Size ?

    300a seems a bit excessive for 2400w.
  7. johnecon2001

    Amp draw @ 4 ohm and 2 ohm

    ONE OTHER THING DUDE,,,,,,when you hook an amplifier up if it is 600 watts......by your adjusting the gains you aren't getting anymore JUICE DUDE///// you will be adjusting that 600 watts you have if its a quality RMS amplifier.....its does the power ratings contiuously......no matter the gain...and thats a good thing No it doesn't. Go read about how amplifiers work plz. kthxbye.
  8. johnecon2001

    What should i use?

    Go with the SSD and port to something in the high 30's. Try 38hz. You'll need to get a Dual 1 ohm sub.
  9. You need either 4 ohms or 1 ohm... soooo I'd say start looking for a one channel amp that can hit the full spectrum of ohm loads rather than a two channel amp that only does the power you need at 4 ohms bridged.
  10. johnecon2001

    100.4 channel 2 broken?

    14 gauge is a little heavy. Unless thats what you already have, I'd go with 16awg.
  11. johnecon2001

    powerbass asa 400.4 question

    That's technically not Tri-mode. Tri-mode is much more complicated and involves the use of a passive crossover network. You're just running two channels bridged two channels not. If you have 4 RCA inputs, you'll be fine.
  12. johnecon2001

    Amp draw @ 4 ohm and 2 ohm

    So you want to adjust the gains accordingly to give yourself 600w no matter what the ohm load? 600w is 600w. Especially on the same amp. If it were a Class A/B at 600w @ 2 ohms and a Class D at 600w @ 2 ohms, then the story would be different.
  13. So you want to use two channels on the RCA's and two on the High level inputs? Did you RTFM yet? That might tell you if you can or can't since you didn't tell us what amp it is.
  14. johnecon2001

    100.4 channel 2 broken?

    I'll second the RCA's as well. You haven't checked the signal line yet to be sure the amp is even getting anything.
  15. johnecon2001

    powerbass asa 400.4 question

    You can bridge the channels independently. 1+2 for the comps and then 3/4 bridged to 4 ohms (and only 4 ohms) will give you 200w. Everything should be fine if you keep the ohm loads the same as what the amp can handle.
  16. johnecon2001

    Some help choosing subs.

    One of the positives for the BTL.. if you spell it differently you get BLT and everyone likes Bacon Lettuce and Tomato samwhiches. But seriously, You have Fi Customer support to back you up in any situation. Providing you with recones and parts that I doubt DD will be able to match in price point.
  17. If you have the coin, go for it. I think you have more serious issues though if your amps are effecting your FM reception.
  18. johnecon2001

    rav4 builds

    looks good mang.
  19. johnecon2001

    Just received my SAX-1500D

    do you mean the SAZ-1500D?
  20. johnecon2001

    MTX TA amps

    Are these gonna be for your tweets?
  21. johnecon2001

    Avic D3 Engine Noise

    It is indeed a bad ground. As far as where to ground it to, thats up to you. Search around and try a couple of new spots until it goes away. And no, it's not just deck specific. A lot of other decks will have the same problem with a poor ground.
  22. johnecon2001

    more debating...

    Go for the Rockford.
  23. johnecon2001

    Some help choosing subs.

    Who cares what they sound like? you said yourself that this is a strictly SPL setup, and to be honest, both of those subs are not good listening subs. Unless you like the way poo sounds on its way to the porcelain bowl.
  24. johnecon2001

    LFB-2K Batterys

    Read the thread. Supposedly they're right in between the HC2000 and the HC2400 capacity wise.