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Everything posted by johnecon2001

  1. johnecon2001

    SQ competitior out of a 08' F250

    Looks like you're mostly set then. Things you still need to decide on: Type of deadener How much deadener Type of subs (pioneer slims don't exactly scream SQ to me) Electrical upgrades (if any) Front speaker mounting locations Overall, most SQ systems use single driver sub setups in sealed environments. Obviously, if he's interested in the McIntosh stuff, he's got some money to throw around. Time to start looking at DynAudio, Morel, Rainbow and other such brands for subs. Hell you could probably even go for a JL W6. I don't personally have a whole lot of experience with higher end subwoofers though.
  2. johnecon2001

    Box help.

    That's going to be even less space after you add subs, port and wood thickness. With those dimensions and 3/4" MDF you're looking at 1.13^3ft sealed. Seems, you could have one sub be happy with that. Certainly not two, ported at least.
  3. johnecon2001

    Adire Shiva MK IV (I think)

    I don't have any experience (direct or indirect) with the Cerwin Vega. I believe Mark/Aaron just needed a decently good beginner sub that was under $100 for noobs in the store. Did you have a budget that you needed to stay under?
  4. johnecon2001

    HO Alternator for a 93 buick regal 3.8L

    Have you contacted any of the major HO alternator resources yet? A couple to try are Iraggi, Excessive Amperage, Ohio Gen and Mean Green.
  5. johnecon2001

    Adire Shiva MK IV (I think)

    The Mach 5 Audio MAW-12 (comes in DVC4) (although it only really needs at the most 400w) would fit the bill. The Sundown Audio SD-1v2 12" (unfortunately 8 ohms) (same lower wattage except around 300w). Also the Soundsplinter RL-i10 (10's are nice) takes 200-500w and comes in DVC4 as well. Lastly the Ascendant Audio ASSASSIN 12". 250w DVC4. All great subs, that sound excellent. And all are priced reasonably. Although, I still can't compare them to a Shiva. I have one.. but there's no chance you're getting your hands on that lol.
  6. johnecon2001

    14.2 idol

    Drop the circuit breakers for some fuses. The breakers hinder voltage slightly. Add more runs of 1/0awg. But honestly.. your numbers are fine. Those are standard voltages.
  7. johnecon2001

    SQ competitior out of a 08' F250

    You'd use one and a half of them for the fronts alone and two channels for the rears. And you still need an amp for the subs. If you're not going to be using the rears much... just run them off the Head unit. More than enough power for something he won't be using much.
  8. johnecon2001

    AudioJunkies RSS FEED

    Can you knock the RSS feeds out of the "view new posts" link? That way when I click it to see what newbs need help, I don't get a bunch or articles.
  9. johnecon2001

    SPL Based 12 recomendation?

    Could do a MAW-10 from Mach5 Audio in a ported Box. 1^3ft is all it want ported. Plus you wouldn't need as much power to get it loud so your amp cost would go down as well. Overall it would be a cheaper option for you.
  10. johnecon2001

    New Workout, New Diet

    Moving to Hall of Fitness.
  11. johnecon2001

    Voice coil and motors

    Depends on who does the recone for you.
  12. johnecon2001

    wiring 2 amps

    You can loop the remote wire out of one amp into the other. That wiring and fusing is still fine for that wattage.
  13. johnecon2001

    Amp and sub power matching

    You add the power together. So for two BTL's the total need is 4kW.
  14. johnecon2001


    Dragonflys are for fags.
  15. johnecon2001

    SQ competitior out of a 08' F250

    Yeah that should be fine for subs. The thing that's going to make the difference in this system compared to other systems is the ability to delay the front speakers correctly with the 3sixty.2. Ideally, you'd like to delay each speaker in the component set together to blend with each other, then delay the whole front stage to the subs (you never delay the subs).
  16. johnecon2001


    Throw in an angled box.
  17. johnecon2001

    Which would be louder?

    Sundown Audio SD-1v2
  18. johnecon2001

    Adire Shiva MK IV (I think)

    If you read a 0-1.0 ohm on the coil.. the sub is definitely damaged. I could sell you one of my DPL's for around the same price as the Dayton. It's slightly different than the Shiva due to a lower Fs http://www.caraudioforum.com/vbb3/showpost...amp;postcount=7 This is Dan Wiggins talking about it.
  19. johnecon2001

    SSA member account upgrades

    It'd be nice to have an option to disable incoming PM's. Or have a list of people to accept them from.
  20. johnecon2001

    Alpine typer 1222D...

    Type R's get surprisingly loud for what they are.
  21. johnecon2001


    Your trunk has an internal volume of 15.24^3ft. The 15" BL in a ported box wants about 4^3ft. You'll want to tune to 30hz to get that low bass you want. I think you have enough space. For amps, you may as well match it up with the Sundown SAZ-1500D. Make sure you get the Dual 2 ohm option on the BL to get the most out of the amp. You definitely need to do the big three as well as beef up your under hood battery (get something bigger/better). After those improvements, see how your electrical is doing and then decide if you want to spend the money on a High output alternator.
  22. johnecon2001

    SQ competitior out of a 08' F250

    The alpine might work to just run the 3-ways, but you'd have no DSP or outputs left for the subs or the rear speakers. You should just run the Rears off of HU power. Come to think of it.. What deck does he have now? You might be able to run the subs off of the HU sub preout and then the rears off of deck power. Then run the front RCA outputs to the Alpine. Another fine option for digital crossovers is the Rockford Fosgate 3SIXTY.2. I'd personally shoot for this as it will allow you to tune those three ways with more control.
  23. johnecon2001

    SSA member account upgrades

    I thought I could always say shit though.
  24. johnecon2001


    You could measure.. that would help.
  25. johnecon2001

    new mag cutout and od size?

    That hasn't been released yet, Nick will have to specifically answer that one.