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Everything posted by johnecon2001

  1. johnecon2001

    New amp added to the old school soundstream collection

    I like old school power. It was so pretty back then. Moving to Show Off & Photography
  2. johnecon2001

    Anyone ever messed with TS-W5102SPL?

    I still find it pretty impressive that they were instrumental in helping Scott hit the big 180. Don't knock them just because the specs seem unimpressive to you. I'll see that truck personally this Saturday.
  3. johnecon2001

    Subs cutting out

    If the deck shuts off, its not the remote problem. The remote turning off is in response to the HU turning off. I'd run a new constant line from the battery to the head unit. You're probably getting some sort of drop at the head unit as far as power goes, causing it to shut off. You might also try regrounding the unit.
  4. johnecon2001

    BTL 18" 4000watt

    Jacob's tests weren't in a stable environment. Those tests are real world power. Exactly what you'll see in a car with a 1 ohm load.
  5. johnecon2001

    death penalty subs

    You already have one thread asking this question. No need for two. http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/i...c=14942&hl=
  6. johnecon2001

    1000d to kicker L5's wiring question

    Which L5's do you have? DVC 2 or DVC 4?
  7. johnecon2001

    sterios skippn.need some help!!!!

    You can line your CD cavity with closed cell foam. You should also consider Second Skin to deaden your entire car. This will ultimately help the problem.
  8. johnecon2001

    component speaker crossover help

    Pics of the Crossover maybe? Hook the tweeter positive to the crossover positive and the same with the negative. Do the same for the woofer.. I don't get what the question is.
  9. You're asking if Sundown is underrated? Go have a look at the power testing stickies in the Sundown forum here.
  10. johnecon2001

    18's what's good and what isn't...

    With that budget? Two of the Mach 5 MJ18 4 ohm. http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/shop/in...mp;productId=52 Moving to Subwoofers / Speakers
  11. johnecon2001

    Help me out eh...

    i am really confused as to whether that was sarcasm or not, so lets just say itz a regular 7 ft door way Go measure your door.
  12. johnecon2001

    Fiberglass / Kevlar

    mmmmmmmm that stuff looks like it would be fun. A lot depends on the Resin, but usually any woven material will add strength in quantity. moving to SPL & SQ / Competition & Fabrication
  13. johnecon2001

    15" Fi SSD vs SSA Icon 15"

    They're almost the same sub as far as stats go. I've never heard an SSD, but I can vouch that the ICON is going to try and rip your face off at 30hz.
  14. johnecon2001

    New system for a Nissan Versa ?

    I would get with Denim and see if you can work out a deal for 2 ICON's and one SAZ-1500D. That might be better for simplicities sake.
  15. johnecon2001

    PVC and 45* corners

    Moving to SPL & SQ / Competition & Fabrication
  16. johnecon2001

    Fi Q's (2 15's vs 1 18)

    Shush tube slut, you'll only confuse people
  17. johnecon2001

    Fi Q's (2 15's vs 1 18)

    What makes the 18 more musical? Not quite. It really has nothing to do with woofer size at all. Everything to do with enclosure type and tuning. The 18" is tuned lower lending its hand to more frequency response overall. The 15's are tuned higher, which usually equates to louder.
  18. johnecon2001

    is my setup ready for 2 18" BTL'z

    What setup are you referring too? You've given us no info.
  19. johnecon2001

    More than 8 cubes per for BTL 18's? Yes/No?

    8 cubes is in the recommended range. Should be fine.
  20. If you're dead set on doing this.. remove the rear fill so that you get those speakers and the two amp channels back. Then use the speakers you have as rear fill now, and put them in your doors. Take the mids that are in your doors and put them in pods. Keep the mids that you put in pods and the tweeters that are still in your doors on two channels of the amp (via the passive crossover that came with them), and put the coaxials that are now in your doors on the other two channels. This way you have more in your face midrange, and the drivers are the same size, so you might not get crazy cancellation issues (you still will, it just won't be as bad). Don't put the 5 1/4" comps up front.
  21. johnecon2001

    Kicker zx.750 with a Q series woofer

    2.5^3ft @ 33-35hz.
  22. johnecon2001

    Blown Sub??

    I'm guessing it's a sealed box? Could be leaks, could also be that you undersized it.
  23. johnecon2001

    Uh oh. I didnt do it.

    Holy tiny coil..
  24. johnecon2001

    Subs cutting out

    This sounds like more of a wiring and amp problem than an Ascendant issue. Find out if the amp is cutting out, it sounds like it might be. Are the subs wired to to low of an ohm load? Run 1/0awg to the amp area. Then either get a gauge reducer, or a distro block that can slim the wire down to 4awg size. Moved to General Car Audio
  25. johnecon2001

    15'' d2 q

    Probably the one in the tread title crossfire bmf1000d