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Everything posted by johnecon2001

  1. johnecon2001

    Horn Loaded Tweeters

    Think of them as SPL only drivers.. except for your highend. One note wonders my friend.
  2. johnecon2001

    Which sub for this amp

    No one can answer that.
  3. johnecon2001


    well, that last comment kind of stung....i was only doing car amps for the amout of power they put out double with the fact that it is now permanent in a house. 3 years from now, i am getting a ford contour. ('99) Even if they did put out rated watts.. you'd need a hell of a big power supply to power them up. Its more economical to buy a home amp.
  4. johnecon2001

    btl 12", 15" or 18"

    3.25^3ft is nominal. It is tuned high though.
  5. johnecon2001

    mono amp gain setting

    Could it be that you have other problems now related to the amp? If your output voltage is fluctuating with a tone instead of staying constant.. you might have a bad connection in the RCA's or possibly low voltage from the charging system. These are all things you should look at.
  6. johnecon2001

    Alt to bat run

    yes, that would be fine.
  7. johnecon2001

    btl 12", 15" or 18"

    What box do you have your BL in now? Feeding your current setup with more power will also increase output.
  8. johnecon2001

    Which sub for this amp

    Depends on how much space you have to work with. The 18" will need a substantially bigger box than the 15" will. As far as options go.. read.
  9. johnecon2001

    Q 12" in a QLogic Enclosure?

    The Sundown SAE-1000D
  10. johnecon2001

    Horn Loaded Tweeters

    I can't believe you just compared those to the Horns. No where close. At all.
  11. johnecon2001

    Which sub for this amp

    The BL is exactly what you'll want then.
  12. johnecon2001


    Seal them in a box. Buy an amp from Parts Express that is ment for home use. Stop being retarded.
  13. johnecon2001

    Which sub for this amp

    What type of music do you listen to?
  14. johnecon2001

    Q 12" in a QLogic Enclosure?

    That would work fine for a Sealed 12" Q. Fi recommends .8-1.5^3ft for a sealed box, so you're right inbetween.
  15. Give it a try! I've never heard anything bad about them (toasting or dying on anyone). I'm sure they're not the best sounding amp, but it's for a sub.. not a front stage.
  16. johnecon2001

    any plans for a sundown 5k?

    Remove the A/C compressor and mount the spare alt there. There is always a way to run Dual alternators.
  17. johnecon2001

    Buying a meter

    I was skeptical long before this thread. That box has been around forever. And the failure for it to gain a foothold in the market... well, I don't really have to say anything else.
  18. johnecon2001

    268 in^2 Port for ICONs (Pics inside)

    150.5, but not with that box..
  19. johnecon2001

    Arsenal power handling questions

    If you really have to ask how much the sub will take.. you shouldn't be sending that much to the sub. Experience will tell you when to back off on the power. It doesn't sound like you're to that stage yet.
  20. johnecon2001

    fosgate t1000bd?

    get a Sundown SAZ 1500d.... your problems will go away when the RF amp go's away i have no problem with my Sundown Audio amps That won't fix the fact that he wired the speaker wrong against advice given.
  21. johnecon2001

    Enclosure Build common chamber "T212D4"

    Another box to be jealous of.
  22. johnecon2001


    And its even a sticky... http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/i...&hl=options Search!
  23. johnecon2001

    Arsenal power handling questions

    That's a bit much. Cut that number in half.
  24. You need an amp that produces anywhere from 400-600 watts at 2 ohms. There are plenty of Kicker amps that would be great for that.