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Everything posted by johnecon2001

  1. johnecon2001

    Looking for a builder for enclosure

    That RE calculator is way off, don't use it.
  2. johnecon2001

    some led help

    If it ever went over 12v, yep. blinking to music LED
  3. johnecon2001

    Peak vehichle freq.

    If that is true and knowing everything changes your resonate freq. I should deaden everything first build a mock-up box or throw something in there to take up the 16-18 cubes for my box and then try to find it? Someone who thinks ahead! Amazing! Yes, deaden and throw in the filling to take up that room as that will definitely change the frequency your vehicle peaks at.
  4. johnecon2001

    Q12 + Cooling option + sealed box = how much power?

    Looks detailed enough to me. And it's in the right section. When they refer to install, your gain setting and enclosure are lumped into that. So if you have clean power, with no clipping and your box is within the Fi recommended specifications... the sub should have no problem handling the extra wattage.
  5. If you've verified that the ground is solid and you are in fact getting a solid 12v minimum to the amplifiers, try disconnecting the speaker wires and the RCA's and see if that effects whether or not the amp starts up normally.
  6. johnecon2001

    What to do for 15" Fi BL

    Power Max Electronics is on the dealer list that Sundown has on their website. Sundown Audio - Internet Dealers However, since you are on SSA, might as well get it from this store. SSA Store - Sundown Audio SAE-1200D Amplifier 1500+ watts Customer service will be phenomenal.
  7. johnecon2001


    Because it fluctuates every second. Frequency, heat, and box size all make it change to where you can't calculate it on an ongoing basis.
  8. johnecon2001

    15" xcon not good at upper bass??

    Do you make subwoofers and test them? That's directly from the SSA XCON page.
  9. johnecon2001

    15" xcon not good at upper bass??

    Seal it. 5^3ft
  10. johnecon2001

    wireless problems

    You should attempt to forward the ports that XBL uses to connect to the internet. The links below should get you started. Network ports used by Xbox LIVE PortForward.com - Port Forwarding Guides Listed by Manufacturer and Model
  11. 3kW? I'd run a D6500 in the rear to be safe. Throw the Yellow top up front.
  12. johnecon2001

    XCON is installed.

    Just to clear up a misnomer in the original post... Size of woofer has nothing to do with what notes it is capable of hitting. Just fyi.
  13. Sounds more like an automotive issue rather than an electrical issue dude. Obviously the alternator isn't charging the batteries. As long as you simply added the big 3 wiring to the existing wiring, you should still have perfect contact. If that bottom pulley isn't turning with the belt on it, it is causing friction. The belt will break eventually. It's probably not turning fast enough to generate power through the alternator and certainly not fast enough to pump P/S fluid to your rack. That'll lead to a bad rack eventually.
  14. johnecon2001

    WOOO HOOO!!!

    NIce! Now go wall socket the RD's
  15. johnecon2001

    two differently tuned ports?

    You're basically talking about a 6th order bandpass. Only one person caught that. The Subwoofer DIY Page - 6th Order Bandpass Systems It wouldn't sound like shit if built/designed properly. If you're looking for a wider range of frequencies though, and no one will design/build a 6th order for you... build a sealed box. You'll lose output, but all the frequencies without the boost around tuning will be there.
  16. johnecon2001

    Adding Emoticons to the arsenal

    Also there seem to be some duplicates in the arsenal.
  17. johnecon2001

    BTL problems continue

    You just disagreed with everyone in the thread. You're not correct bud.
  18. johnecon2001

    Word on the Street

  19. johnecon2001

    Pair of 15inch Xcon

    Only one burned? Did you possibly wire each one differently than the other? If one was receiving more power that would cause it to burn faster than the other.
  20. johnecon2001

    Word on the Street

    Someone better get a video of the run
  21. johnecon2001

    Is this normal?

    I've seen that on other subs as well. Not a big deal, just poke a hole as you did.
  22. johnecon2001

    Best songs for xcon demo's

    Small Town Audiophile... if you still haven't gotten the answer you're looking for....
  23. johnecon2001

    Best songs for xcon demo's

    Dearest stealth, You've worn out your welcome and inflicted my wrath. You may not talk to our users, our moderators or our administrators or owners the way you have done in your very, very short stay here. In other words....
  24. johnecon2001

    20.1 output help

    Moved to IA forum, edited useless title to something more... smart.
  25. johnecon2001

    Need new sub suggestions please

    While they're both great subs, no one will have an answer to your question because of all of the variables involved. If you really want to know, you'll need to purchase both setups, install them each and have them metered. Then you'll know which is louder.