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Everything posted by johnecon2001

  1. johnecon2001


    Gary... I'm gonna eSlap you. 1) you posted in the wrong section... again. 2) we've already had a bunch of these threads. Two of them are stickied. 3) you didn't search.
  2. johnecon2001

    Buying a meter

    Sean should call when he's sober again. It's probably rough being almost 40.
  3. johnecon2001


    Whose gonna harass the n00bs while you're out partaying?! Dibs. HBD!~
  4. johnecon2001

    Max Amps In My Civic

    Sure it's better to get an alternator rather than a battery first. However, most people don't have $3-400 to plunk down on an alternator and would rather spend $<200 on a battery. While not the optimal situation, it'll still be better than stock. Everyone take a chill pill with all this "data" bullshit.
  5. johnecon2001

    BIG SSA Stickers>>>FInally

    Whose faggy versa is that?
  6. johnecon2001


    He should just get bass shakers. They'd do what he wants out of a sub.
  7. johnecon2001


    You'll need a digital crossover if you don't want to go higher than 28hz. But let me be the first to tell you, playing 28hz and below only... is going to sound like complete ass.
  8. johnecon2001

    Box for fi Q 18" (what size, how much port)?????

    That looks like a great box.
  9. johnecon2001

    8 inch woofer?

    Dibs on two.
  10. johnecon2001

    Mini Rant

    Iraggi and EA both make Alt's for Integras/Civics. They use the same mount points.
  11. johnecon2001

    i am buying two 12's...

    LOL you had it in a bandpass box noob. Go do some research.
  12. johnecon2001

    Mag proto is on its way to Chad Hicks

    Make sure the Pole vent is clean when you send it back..
  13. johnecon2001

    MSRP Price List of New Product!

    What about your "other" products
  14. johnecon2001


    tuning to 30hz will be fine, or you could go with a sealed box for equal frequency distribution.
  15. johnecon2001

    who's deafdreamz

    Dunno, but please direct him to the for sale forum if he would like to sell something.
  16. johnecon2001

    bumping music

    yes, there are. please search next time or check the stickies.
  17. johnecon2001

    15" Arsenal

    Fi only makes the Assassins in DVC 4. You could email them and see if they would custom make one for you. What amp do you have that you need 2 ohms?
  18. johnecon2001

    hAvoc 18" for home theatre/music

    Another option you could try before you do the Havoc would be to add some polyfill to your existing boxes for the TC's.
  19. johnecon2001

    i am buying two 12's...

    The very fact that you claim that RE RE's suck.. should warn anyone to take your review with a tablespoon of salt. Those are great little subs that sound great and get loud in ported boxes.
  20. johnecon2001

    Box size?

    What are your goals for it? Obviously with that much power, you're not looking for a sq vehicle. But are you planning on competing?
  21. johnecon2001

    New subs

    Do you currently have an amp? What kind of power does it put out and how much space do you have to work with in your current vehicle? SSA ICON's would be great for rap.
  22. johnecon2001

    is this possible?

    You could, but you would be better off just buying a 1500D for the power that you'll be getting at 2 ohms from the 1000D.
  23. johnecon2001

    268 in^2 Port for ICONs (Pics inside)

    We need to buy mark a HO alt.
  24. johnecon2001

    jensen head units

    The pioneer.
  25. johnecon2001

    who runs?
