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Everything posted by 05gpgt2

  1. Well im having a hard time making a decision on what to purchase i could use some help im looking to spend around 500 and will either be powering a revo or axis not quite sure yet all opinions appreciated so far ive looked at a few amps a t2000, powerbass 3000, xxv thor, xxv collosus, and the new ia 20.1
  2. yah so have i im just looking for some info on if they will do more than rated i need something to run an axis
  3. yah i know that but if i went that way i was looking at the 3000d because i want to increase power fom my md2d and the 1500 is the only one in my price range
  4. 05gpgt2


    nice place
  5. 05gpgt2


    why wont it let me posy outside of this area
  6. 05gpgt2

    whut up

    nice welcome
  7. 05gpgt2

    newbie from Michigan here

  8. 05gpgt2

    whut up
