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Everything posted by 2kchevy

  1. 2kchevy

    RTA question

    Ok so I understand what an RTA is and all that jazz. I googled for an RTA program to purchase and came up with a lot of sites that sell programs. My question is, what's some good programs you guys have used/had experience with that you could recommend me. Or are they pretty much all the same with few minor tweaks here and there.
  2. 2kchevy

    RTA question

    wow, a great read. Thanks
  3. 2kchevy

    New RL-i 8.....

    agreed on the GB
  4. 2kchevy

    sealed doorpods

  5. 2kchevy

    sealed doorpods

    man this is really lookin good. I'm about to have to fiberglass my kodas in the doors, hope mine turn out half as good as this.
  6. 2kchevy

    OH chit I WANT!!!!!

    omfg that put's my truck to shame. I love the black on black look (rims and black color truck) I've wanted to do that with mine, I'm tired of chrome. I'm not really likin his hood though. I also like how he painted everything black as well, gives the clear corners more justice. Billet grill is clean, just all around very nice truck
  7. 2kchevy

    2000 Sentra Install Finished! :D

    I like the trunk setup. very clean
  8. 2kchevy

    Hot damn....

    hi2u x2+1
  9. I am curious, not to thread hijack, but what is an RTA?
  10. 2kchevy

    Jamaica time!!

    disaronno on the rocks = your friend tequilla boom booms = the win as for the wife thing, there is nothing wrong with looking
  11. 2kchevy

    July anticipation....

    obviously I haven't been to this forum in a while you can order the new mags? how much does a 12 run?
  12. 2kchevy

    Regal Doorpod Glassin' (pics)

    those are sweet
  13. 2kchevy

    Jamaica time!!

    have fun, and be safe bro. pick up a lady or two, show them a pic of an RL-P it's a for sure win.
  14. 2kchevy

    Bored... so i post PICS!!!! lots

    mmmmm brahmas.
  15. 2kchevy

    Opinions on this body kit

    I think I'm gonna have to agree with the vast majority here. I think your car looks fine without it. However, the 2nd set of pictures looks much better than the first. I just like the front end, the side and back doesn't really change much.
  16. 2kchevy

    My active setup...

    to many wires =x
  17. 2kchevy

    yo yo check it

    hola and welcome
  18. Ok, so I'm about to have some graduation money and I'm thinking about starting my new setup. I would like to go with a single 10" this time though, and go ported still I believe. I think the amp of choice will be an orion 1200D. So let's say I have a max of $350 to spend on this sub. My box right now is 2cubes net, I'm not sure how much more space I could get, I could go longer but I would have to go down in how tall the box can be. so just keep all those factors in please.
  19. 2kchevy

    What to do, what to do

    I didn't know you could get avalanche 12's yet. On AA's page it still says "coming soon" or so I last read. I just want a 10" for kind of a "wow factor" while also getting similar output of a 12" while cutting back on how big the box has to be, ya know? and no it's no for SQ, we are going for output. I've had an SQ system for a while now and it's time to change things up a bit. and yes I love the T/S parameters on the RL-P and have heard good things about them. Dunno I should probably look into the AA avalanche to compare it to the RL-P.
  20. 2kchevy

    ugly mugs!

    this thread scares me, I will post a pic whenever I get home. nice pic btw mrray
  21. 2kchevy

    rl-i 8 review/still pr0n

    Since I'm tired of having a huge 2^3 Net box for a single 12 I may try two 8's and these little monsters fit the requirement I believe. I think I'll try sealed, and if someone would like to sell me, or just be nice and create some box plans for two 8's let me know. I have an idea of how I want the box to look, I just need someone to do the calculations and create the box plans . But first, I will need to save up $270. buying new computer parts and wanting Car audio stuff =
  22. 2kchevy

    AIM screen names

    Gimpy154 is my screen name.
  23. 2kchevy

    i love the map dust

    hola, enjoy your stay!
  24. 2kchevy

    rl-i 8 review/still pr0n

    man that thing is movin. I want one I want one!!!!! btw I like that sub grill you have.